Fact Check: LGF PageViews – Broken, or Rigged

We’ve heard more than a few inquiries from DoD readers who’ve wondered about how LGF calculates the “views” stat that appears on each LGF thread and page.  For myself, I’ve certainly visited a lot of LGF pages (especially old ones), and I’ll admit that something always seemed a little fishy.  And we know that Charles dumped sitemeter a while ago, along with Quantcast more recently, which makes it a little tougher to verify anything from 3rd party sources.  Instead, Johnson opted to go with his own custom-built page view counter last September to display the stats publicly at the top of each thread.  But how accurate is his “views” thingy, anyway? 

We had left the subject alone for a long time, but thanks to CJ’s recent trash tweets, he has provided the perfect excuse for us to try to sort this out (and we apologise if this gets a little wonky):

Never mind the fact that “views” doesn’t translate directly into “people” for any website (because of refreshes/revisits), or that not all those people (or any?) were neccessarily laughing, I think we should dive into this a little further, and see if the even the 21,600 views part is accurate.

First, let’s start with what Johnson himself has said about how views are calculated (this was a regarding a change that was made a little over a month after the feature was installed):

If I’m reading that right, it means that any visitor to LGF’s front page is actually registering 10 page views (one into each thread counter; whether they were actually read or not, as 9 of them aren’t likely to be on the screen without a scroll).  Additionally, we’re to assume that if said visitor actually clicks on any of the threads, that would count as another “view”, and up the counter yet again  (and if this person goes back to the front page after reading, it would register – you guessed it – another 10 views?).  It’s a slick way to pad stats, IMO, but unusable for comparison to other sites (DoD, for example, has a separate view counter for the front page in our dashboard, and front page views don’t effect thread views).

So, 21,600?  Not really.  Of course we’d need to know what % of LGFs incoming traffic is front page vs. direct thread links to get an idea on how short the real number might fall (of where a normal blog would record it), but it is going to be unquestionably less.  But if CJ wants to count the thread that is 10 spots down on the front page as “viewed”, well….whatever.

But wait, it gets better (or worse, depending on how you look at it)…

While spelunking through the depths of the LGF archives, I would notice that a lot of these old threads showed the counter increase in my browser as it was loading, and in many cases I could have sworn that it was by more than one.  While a jump like this would make sense for an article on the front page (because of all the traffic), it seems weird that it would happen on a thread from, say, 2008.  So, we had The Boiler Room put in a little overtime, and see if they can take this front page/”scroll assume” cheater effect out of the equation using old threads that aren’t on the front page and unlikely to have any interfering traffic.  What we found was pretty interesting:

Boiler Room engineer No. 2 explains the methodology:

I picked twenty old (2008) threads at random, and (using a Selenium code) hit ten of them 20 times each over about 20 minutes.  The other ten threads I hit just twice – once at the beginning and once at the end of the twenty minute period.  Idea here is to eliminate the influence (or at least quantify it if it’s there) of other people coincidentally hitting on the same old threads.

After about 200 hits over twenty minutes the ten test threads showed over 400 hits view counts increase.  The ten control threads – hit ten times over 20 minutes, showed only about 20 hits increase in LGF view counts.  This is about the same 2×1 ratio – expected – but proves (to me anyway) that the ‘extra’ 200 hits on the ten test threads were from me and not from some highly coincidental other traffic on those same threads (since this hypothetical other traffic didn’t show up at all on the control group threads).

Then I switched control threads for test threads, repeated the experiment, same result (ie new test threads got about 400 bumps in view counts for 200 hits, etc).

I checked against a different, non-LGF site – and 20 hits by the script produced exactly 20 bumps in the page views. So that tells me there’s nothing funky in the internals of the Selenium code that hits a page twice for whatever reason in the process of loading the page into the browser.

No. 2 went on to explain that while checking some of the threads “manually”, he would sometimes notice view jumps of 3 (and even 4).   That IS fishy. 

But wait…it gets even better (or worse, depending on how you look at it)

Since I prefer to double-check our engineers, I thought I’d try some of this stuff out for myself, using a handful of old LGF threads from 2003.  Sure enough, well…just watch:

Conclusion?  The aforementioned “LGF Javascript app” appears to be, um, broken.  Now whether this is intentional or not is naturally going to be speculation on our part.  But consider that we found that a simple page refresh tends to work properly, and only adds 1 to the view count, while a new or incoming view is registering 2 or 3, and a comments refresh is registering 8 or 9.  Therefore, my opinion is that it looks rigged, with some randomness thrown in to avoid detection (consistency is usually easier to spot).

In any case, if you add in the front page tomfoolery, you’ve got a view counter that is set up to display substantially inflated numbers.

Ya don’t say?

Fact checked!  21,600?  Busted…bigtime.

(Hat tip: The Boiler Room)

Update: Patterico links

Also, in the day since we’ve posted this, we’ve naturally had a lot of folks try to duplicate what happened there in the video (Patterico said he couldn’t).  With the other feedback that we’re getting, it appears that the refresh issue I’m demonstrating is specific to IE users, and that you must allow the page to load completely for it to jump by 9 like that. 

So, I whipped up another quick video, this time just refreshing the page with comments, and making sure to wait for the page to load completely.  I’m using IE8 on my VAIO, and was able to get it to jump by 9 with each refresh:

179 Comments on “Fact Check: LGF PageViews – Broken, or Rigged”

  1. Daedalus says:

    Chuck caught out there again!

    • Mashiki says:

      It’s sure not hard to fake a counter. It was all the rage back in the mid to late 90’s when advertising online it was in it’s infancy. And ad revenue for the ‘new medium’ was paying like crazy. I know a couple of ISP’s in my area(where I either worked, or were on really friendly terms with) who regularly killed sites for page view falsification. Simply by appending a integer, or better yet a low random integer to the counter applet you can randomly increase the number of ‘views’ even if one person went. i.e. 1 view = 3 one time, and 1 view the next = 5, next 1=2, so it wasn’t easy to spot.

      This is why if you’re trying to drive a website for ads, the only metrics for actual companies are well known counters(quantcast, sitemeter, googleanalytics). And about 45% of all net users block cookies and scripting along with ajax from all three.

  2. Speranza says:

    Chuckles is busted. he is (in the words of Sharmuta) “disingenuous”.

  3. Daedalus says:

    Speranza :

    Chuckles is busted. he is (in the words of Sharmuta) “disingenuous”.

    I hope Patterico sess this.

  4. Voltaires Crack says:

    I wonder if his advertisers are aware of this.

    • Whatever says:

      I wonder what his advertisers thought of him dumping all the outside meters? Anybody who still buys space on that site deserves to have his money taken. Unless something else is going on.

  5. Roger says:

    Solid work, BR crew!

  6. Voltaires Crack says:

    Oh, and very nice work. You are on a roll.

  7. doppelganger says:

    fake but accurate

  8. Whatever says:

    Also dumped Alexa.

  9. GrandJunctionite says:

    I am in awe of the awesomeness of the Boiler Room Crew. Everyone knew it wasn’t right but you have once again proven the stat padding with solid evidence. Internet Detective Badges 1st class to all of you.

  10. Beeduwine says:

    Told you so. He gets about 3000 unique hits a day. Massive blog, lgf is.

    • Whatever says:

      Meanwhile, DoD has to go into limp mode, because it’s doing over twice that.

      • Beeduwine says:

        The funniest thing is that this blog offers more original content than Greenballs. Who would have thought.

  11. phoenixgirl says:

    hmmm sounds like NEWMATH!!!!!!!!!

  12. phoenixgirl says:

    you know everyone wanted to refresh that many times so he just did it for them…..what a nice master…..

  13. Mandingo Warrior says:

    I wonder what would happen if all DoDers were to organize a boycott of his site for one day (excluding one monitor to count the hits, of course)–and then used the 2:1 ration to calculate his real time hits excluding the haturz?

    I bet he might be at 1,000 views, 7,000+/- for the week, and that wouldn’t even draw in a google ad.

  14. spaceallah says:

    I noticed he put “views” in quotes, which makes it a weasel word. A pageview in internet metrics is one single person pulling up one single page. There is no other way to define this term. This is like trying to redefine the mile. It has a very distinct and specific meaning as a metric that you present to advertisers.

    If he tries to pass what he has created off as a genuine pageview he would be guilty of fraud in a court of law.

    What he is doing is that when the index page loads, every system entry (blog, page, link etc) gets incremented as well. So what is in internet metrics one pageview becomes as many as 50-75 “views,” depending on how many individual entries there are.

    This is a very dishonest way of presenting statistical information because anywhere a summary of the item occurs triggers a “view” in his system. This means that real pageviews could be inflated by an average factor of 10-25 times.

    Any reputable advertiser would balk at that being presented to them as a means of determining a payout, and if he has presented that to anyone as a basis for determining site activity, it is not just dishonest but actual fraud.

    • Whatever says:

      >> “If he tries to pass what he has created off as a genuine pageview he would be guilty of fraud in a court of law.”

      Not only that, defrauding over the internet is wire fraud. You can get into extremely deep doodoo for that.

      Patterico? Umm…

      • Formercorpsman says:


      • spaceallah says:

        It depends on if he has presented it to advertisers as his own special “views” or actual pageviews. Then again it may not matter because the underlying intent is to deceive.

    • Basement Cat says:

      It sure is. If he is using this to scam advertisers, then he could be legally liable.

  15. Beeduwine says:

    No wonder I used to find greenballs a super-refreshing site.

  16. garycooper says:

    Finally, the great mystery is solved, and we don’t have to think about the 20-30 or so loozards who still hang around over there CONSTANTLY refreshing the page, FEVERISHLY perusing threads old and new to be certain of having absorbed the thin contents therein.

    What a relief! Thanks again, Chen Zhen. You da Minotaur-Man!

  17. spaceallah says:

    Also when Google, Bing or Yahoo crawls through I bet he’s counting that as well, which again is flat out wrong.

  18. ZIP says:

    Here’s the coup de grâce (can I say that or is it hate speech?) I’ve been meaning to show this to Chen.

    Chuckles is on BlogAds and they track your stats for you when you embed their code into your site. That way potential advertisers have a way of verifying site traffic and not rely on the owner’s word.


    Take yesterday’s displayed LGF traffic (which seems to be about average)

    Page Views: 145,997
    Visits: 114,835

    Compare this to what BlogAds has been tracking (views, not hits)

    One week est. traffic: 118,022
    One month est. traffic: 522,668

    So he’s doing around 17K-18K views a day. That’s absolutely pathetic for a blog that was once a top-tier site.

    This isn’t third party, this is directly measured by BlogAds. BUSTED! Consider it the chink in Chuckles armor.

    I use BlogAds myself and I can verify it IS accurate. I average around 1.2 million views a month and BlogAds has me around that number.

    • Beeduwine says:

      18K views? And that includes refreshments?

      • ZIP says:

        No (that’s dishonest and advertisers would get ripped off).

        Say I went to his site and clicked on ten different threads.

        It registers as one hit and 10 page views. That’s the standard everyone goes by hence the reason blogads (or Sitemeter if he didn’t yank it) calculates it that way and shows the proper results.

      • Beeduwine says:

        Is there no way for CJ to rig that? 18K is way more than my monkey calculations indicates.

    • Whatever says:

      >> “Consider it the chink in Chuckles armor.”

      Now, now. Don’t use that kind of language talking about Chen.

  19. garycooper says:

    Yes, he is guilty of fraud, if he’s using those faked-up “views” to misrepresent his traffic to advertisers. Such a man of integrity!

  20. Voltaires Crack says:

    What was the official reason Yertle gave for banning Alexa and Quantcast from his website? Are they being used on Pam’s blog or something and are therefore racist?

    • Arachne says:

      Probably that they kept stats on the stalker sites as well and no one Clueless McDumdum deals with is allowed any contact with stalker sites. The real reason, of course, is that they were graphically illustrating that his blog was circling the interwebz toilet bowl.

  21. spaceallah says:

    I notice in his tweet up there he makes the fallacious statement that views directly correlates to individual people. Far from the truth. One person could be easily responsible for as many as 50 pageviews by his or herself. That’s internet metrics 101.

    Just think of how you surf. You pull up the same page multiple times to follow discussions.

  22. blogwarriorx says:

    Chuck said: “…And the same goes for pages”

    He’s lumping in lgf pages too.

  23. Did reginald perrin get wacked yesterday?

    • Bagua says:

      Yep, sent to the kennel. No biscuit for The Poodle.

    • Mandingo Warrior says:

      Yes, he had a frightening meltdown we all witnessed and Charles escorted him out the backdoor.

    • Daedalus says:

      Yes check yesterday’s posts.

    • Formercorpsman says:

      Bob, if you have the time, you need to go back and read some of the threads on it.

      I’ve been scratching my head about it. Daedalus claims his interaction goes back some time with him, so there would be some validation as to him being for real, but the stuff was so over the top, (I would have to say it beats anything Ludwig has wigged out on, & that is not an easy task) I had to at least question if this was not some kind of elaborate sock.

      It was surreal.

  24. Bagua says:

    The views are inherently dishonest. The average person following new comments may refresh 2 or more times per minute. In this way, the couple dozen “lizards” commenting and a dozen or two others reading would easily add up to the fraudulent “views” listed.

    LGF is a chat room, not a blog. Counting ever time a single chatter refreshes as a “view” is entirely bogus and misleading.

    • spaceallah says:

      Well in internet metrics a page refresh IS a new pageview. What he is guilty of is taking that one pageview and incrementing it for every single entry that is on the page – the pages on the side, the summaries for other blog entries (if on the home page). Those individual entries have not been pulled up for individual viewing, but the counter in the database has been incremented for it all the same. So one pageview becomes as many “views” in the database as many entries as there are on that particular page. The index page would be a particularly egregious violation of metrics tracking where you might have as many as 50 entries to increment from one actual pageview.

      • Bagua says:

        What Charles is also guilty of is pretending those views in the chat threads are unique visits. In addition to what you said which is even more dishonest.

        It was always rigged. I recall a year or two ago. With only one other person logged in and nobody saying a word around 3am, I looked at the statistics and it showed something like a thousand people “online”.

        Absolute BS.

      • Whatever says:

        Seems to me, IF HE WERE HONEST, he could count unique IPs. That’s what the advertisers are really interested in; how many unique hominids looked at the place in 24 hours. I’m sure that number is well under 1000.

    • Stillactive says:

      “LGF is a chat room, not a blog.”
      Thank you
      That and an internet billboard

  25. spaceallah says:

    Er … himself. Doh.

  26. Bagua says:

    spaceallah :
    I notice in his tweet up there he makes the fallacious statement that views directly correlates to individual people. Far from the truth. One person could be easily responsible for as many as 50 pageviews by his or herself. That’s internet metrics 101.
    Just think of how you surf. You pull up the same page multiple times to follow discussions.

    Actually, that is on the low side. One person chatting, and refreshing a minimum of twice a minute would result in ~ 360 views in three hours. Two dozen people would be 8,640 views.

    Such and obvious con. Ya think Patterico will be fooled?

  27. LittleGreenLame says:

    Well, all one has to do is look and see his twitter follow count to realize how minor Charles has become and note it in no way matches or supports the site traffic he claims.

  28. BTW- we got linked to by wizbang today, on the “St. Pancake” thing:


    • Bagua says:

      Heh, ChenZhen is a force to be reckoned with.

    • Whatever says:

      This is ROFLworthy:

      I have to wonder if Aaron had said “handed Charles his ass,” Charles would talk about the grave threat to his buttocks.

      Heheheh. He said “buttocks”.

    • snowcrash says:

      Congrats. The Chronicles of St. Pancake were very well done.

      • Jay Tea says:

        Shucks, you folks make me blush.

        Now I’m gonna have to go and check out Wizbang’s SiteMeter numbers and see how we rank… something tells me that when I go after Charles, I’m “punching down.”


      • Jay Tea says:

        If I’m reading it right, we at Wizbang have had 6,900 to 8,300 visits a day the last week, and 9,400 to 12,200 page views a day. And our Wikio ranking of political blogs is 96, while Charles is listed at #134.

        Damn, now it’s really sinking in how far he’s fallen… thanks, folks.


  29. Bagua says:

    Whatever :
    Seems to me, IF HE WERE HONEST, he could count unique IPs. That’s what the advertisers are really interested in; how many unique hominids looked at the place in 24 hours. I’m sure that number is well under 1000.

    Gosh, you mean show honesty and integrity? Why do that when you are a dishonest smear merchant who has eliminated all the verifiable hit counters from your site?

  30. Voltaires Crack says:

    ZIP :
    No (that’s dishonest and advertisers would get ripped off).
    Say I went to his site and clicked on ten different threads.
    It registers as one hit and 10 page views. That’s the standard everyone goes by hence the reason blogads (or Sitemeter if he didn’t yank it) calculates it that way and shows the proper results.

    Correct. Views (when using a logfile to calculate) is more or less number of files requested. These could be images, stylesheets, etc.

    The thing Yertle is doing that is deceptive is equating the classic ‘page view’ with a different metric altogether.

    • spaceallah says:

      Hits are the individual files it takes to build a web page. One pageview could generate potentially one thousands hits. A hit is every single request that is made to web server, including requests for graphics, css files, javascripts, etc.

      Pageviews is just like it sounds: someone sitting in a chair, pulling up one single web page.

      CJ has created his own sense of views.

      Let me spell it out.

      Imagine that the index page is one single entity. That constitutes a pageview.

      Now the index page is built up of various database entries (blog entries, page entries, link entries). Each one of these items comprises an entry in the database.

      Normally views on individual entries like this are calculated when someone pulls up the full or detail view, where when the full entry is viewed, then the entry is incremented with a view.

      What CJ is doing is taking each individual summary (maybe 30 to 50 on the homepage at any one time) and incrementing it as a “view.” So what happens is that every summary item gets incremented in the database as a view, as it should when someone views it individually as the full entry. So when someone pulls up the home page, and then clicks on a entry, at that point, that entry has been incremented twice despite only having been actually read fully once on the actual entry page.

      So what happens is that there is a master “views” table in the database that calculates all of these faux entries so that he can report X amount of views over X amount of time. And when you understand that he’s taking one pageview and turning it into as many as 50 “views” from the same action, that’s where you understand that he’s cooking the books.

      • Bagua says:

        Sounds like fraud to me. Consider that there are paying advertisers and paying registered members involved.

        Perhaps the District Attorney would like to investigate this?

      • Voltaires Crack says:

        Actually, you are right – I had the terminology mixed up in my brain for some reason. Thanks for setting the record straight.

      • spaceallah says:

        No worries man. I’ve been in the biz since the start. I keep it straight by remembering:


      • Voltaires Crack says:



  31. Lance Murdock says:

    Jesus CJ! How pathetic are you are? Don’t answer that, we already know the answer! :p

  32. Bagua says:

    The AGWPsychotic has returned!

    AGW will hit the poorest first.

    We have a global economy. Crop failures in Russia and China means that they take care of their own first and others simply won’t have.

    Spread of contagion will damage crops too. That will hit the poorest nations first as well.

    AGW is real and it is killing people now.

    As usual, there is a set of “real Americans” who simply could care less. After all, those dying aren’t white, aren’t wealthy and aren’t Christian.

    Of course the heatwave in Europe that killed 71,000 in ’03 killed Europeans, but then again they weren’t wealthy either.

    For the record, the GOP is evil and literally murderous.

    Replete with scientific illiteracy, falsehoods, alarmism and general idiocy. What a fool. It’s good to have him back.

    Btw, has he appologised to Iceweasel for saying “Fuck you sideways, Bitch!” yet?

    Jimmah, you really ok with that?

    • Bagua says:

      7 LudwigVanQuixote Wed, Jan 26, 2011 9:36:29am

      (the header)

    • Whatever says:

      Russia and China are net exporters of food? Who knew?

    • Whatever says:

      And Lud. The phrase is “couldn’t care less”. What an academic.

    • Formercorpsman says:

      Most interesting, and quite frankly what shoots this dipshit in the foot, is China is squeezed as far as arable land to population is concerned. Their population is more than 20% of the total world, yet have less than 7% land available, sufficient for farming. Not to mention, despite their birth policies, they still add about 10 million people to the world annually.

      Russia is not much better off at all. Considering their total land mass, only about 10% is capable of crop production due to climate & geography. Climate meaning, cold. If it were to warm up, this changes the game for them. But this asshole could never appreciate that concept to begin with.

      Moreover, it is these douchebags who run around screaming this shit, all the while screaming for ethanol, and other types of alternative fuels pushing the price up all over the world, which directly affects those countries mentioned who already have instability concerning their domestic livestock production.

      The guy is a dipshit. A total dipshit.

      • Barrett Brown says:

        Hey man, wanted to ask your help with something. A couple of my colleagues are trying to help identify an active duty soldier in Afghanistan who tried to propose to his girlfriend via answering machine but got the wrong number so that he can be informed that he needs to try again. Details here.


        They’re scouring Facebook and all that for clues but perhaps you might have some ideas as well.

      • snowcrash says:

        Re BarrettBrown’s request. Have you considered asking Uncle Jimbo at BLACKFIVE. It is a real “milblog”

      • GrandJunctionite says:

        He’s a British soldier from the looks of it. We won’t be much help.

      • Formercorpsman says:

        Do you have any kind of qualifiers as to who to what branch it might be? What base or location, or anything like that?

        Most military operations have a base locator service, (you probably know this) but I’m sure there needs to be some sort of identifier first.

      • Barrett Brown says:

        I’m actually short on details other than what’s up on that doc, just got into the IRC and they told me about it and sent the link. My brother served in first Gulf War but I have no idea how to reach him and uncle’s knowledge is decades out of date, so I actually know very little about the specifics of these things. But I’ll pass on that info, thanks guys.

    • Voltaires Crack says:

      Of course, Russia and China have never had food shortages in the past. Nope, this is a brand new thing.

    • Nodrog says:

      Nice work, Bagua, using a loon like Ludwig to discredit all of the vast majority of reputable scientists who agree that Anthropogenic Global Warming exists. So that you can go on driving your hog of an SUV and all that. Or perhaps, continue to take your monthly checks from your energy company employer, as many of the global warming denialist “scientists” are doing.

      Read “Merchants of Doubt” sometime, and get the truth about the money behind global warming denialism.

      • Nodrog says:

        My view, BTW, is that AGW exists, but people like Ludwig are advocating policies that would make the cure worse than the disease. I suggest reading Bjorn Lomborg’s “Cool It,” and his other works, to get to the truth behind the controversy.

      • Whatever says:


      • m says:

        Y’all want to debate, take it over to The Blogmocracy. We’re here to make fun of Charles.


        (started to say “expose Charles” but NOBODY wants that)

      • Stillactive says:

        Gotta go with Whatever
        It’s kinda like a “page view”

      • Daedalus says:

        Hey, Look lets leave politics off this blog. If you want to debate Bagua, go to the Blogmocracy. Let’s focus on exposing Chuck as a fake!

        We can all agree on that!

      • Whatever says:

        Nobody expects the Charlesish Exposition…

      • snowcrash says:

        Nodrog is right about Bjorn Lomborg. He is very interesting and has sensible positions most people could support.

  33. m says:

    Three cheers for The Boiler Room Crew™

    I owe alla y’all a drink at a meetup!

  34. PeteP says:

    According to Wikio’s Top Political Blogs which measures traffic by number of links, our Chuck is currently ranked 606. Gateway Pundit is ranked 13, Atlas Shrugs is 30.

  35. coldwarrior says:

    well cone boiler room crew. yinz haz scary wicked skillz!

  36. Beeduwine says:

    Off topic, but: What is the story with Patterico and J Goldstein?

  37. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Anon, The Blogmocracy. The Blogmocracy said: Fact Check: LGF PageViews – Broken, or Rigged: http://t.co/l73W4Et @lizardoid caught lying once again #lgf #tcot #littlegreenfootballs […]

  38. garycooper says:

    Speaking of AGW-hysteria (and I too am glad the Lewd-man is back 😆 ), I happened to see a clip of Navy Admiral David Titley spouting the most ridiculous rubbish about same on the Weather Channel last night. I googled him just now, and wow, is he full of the whole myth/malarkey!


  39. ZIP says:

    Imagine the frail ego is takes to do something like this? At least he knows he’s a failure, if he didn’t he wouldn’t be trying to cover his tracks.

    It boils down to the right hating his guts, the left doesn’t trust him and all he’s left with is a small and ever dwindling handful of devoted followers.

    Thanks to Chen and the Boiler Room for exposing the fraud he has become.

    Long live DoD!

    • Mandingo Warrior says:

      I might speculate a pathological liar. When he was busted for “Pancakegate” he even made his defense a lie. He was the one who said he “never used the term St. Pancake” and now “Views-gate” will probably get some form of canned lie as a response.

      • Emperor says:

        The whole “Pancake” thing was pathetic to the extreme. He didn’t even have to pretend that he didn’t say it in the first place. Nobody cared until he started lying about it. I guess he always works in extremes. He can’t lie a little bit, it has to be all the way.

      • Whatever says:

        What was that that they kept telling Nixon?

    • snowcrash says:

      Are you the zip of weasel zippers? If so, great blog.

    • wolfie says:

      “Imagine the frail ego is takes to do something like this? At least he knows he’s a failure, if he didn’t he wouldn’t be trying to cover his tracks.”

      Yes. On some level he must recognize his own inadequacy.
      OTOH, I think that much of his lying is done to himself, to soothe his own inchoate fears.

      You’d be hard-pressed to find a more insecure man. IMO.

  40. garycooper says:

    Hey, Lewdy…are you worried about the people who have died due to the extreme cold and major-snowfalls that have afflicted Europe in recent years? No? Why not? Is it because they’re white?

    • livefreeor die says:

      Those data don’t fit in with his brilliant model so he does the scientific thing and ignores them.

  41. snowcrash says:

    Hey admins, I like the new pix for the boiler room guys. Which one is ISTE? I am not sad to see the pictures of Charles Johnson gone.

    • For the record, I requested the removal of those CJ pics. I never really was a fan, and I always think it is more effective to stick to facts and stay away from the ad hominem stuff like that (i.e. CJ’s personal appearance is irrelevant). But as editor and not admin I didn’t have the power to remove them myself.

      No offence to whoever put them up there in the first place, of course.

  42. doppelganger says:

    I give him zero views.

  43. Nodrog says:

    Amazing work, Chen. I can’t imagine that Little Green Footballs is going to survive this onslaught of the truth.

    • Formercorpsman says:

      I have to say this. Back in say 2006, would anyone have guessed we would be here watching Nodrog giving props to Chen, taking down Charles with a thousand internet paper cuts, as Charles plays the ringmaster of loonydome? Plus, surrounded by the rest of us who used to go at it back and forth?

      I just have to shake my head and laugh.

  44. GrandJunctionite says:

    We will have millions on the street and Billions will DIE!

    LudwigVanQuixote Wed, Jan 26, 2011 11:43:24am 7

    Within these broad categories and government branches, Paul wants to gut and completely eliminate numerous programs as well. For example, he wants to cut the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s budget by 36%. This is amazingly telling as to who owns Rand Paul. NOAA is one of the largest sources of climate data and research in the world.
    It is also amazingly telling about how much he doesn’t know about how the nation works. He wants to get rid of DOE, likely because it funds so much science he does not want to hear, but fails to realize that all of those military research projects he likes are done by DOE labs like Los Alamos, Lawrence Berkeley, and APL.
    It is also telling how he wants to completely remove all urban planning and social projects. Without HUD – which does need a serious overhaul and a lot MORE funding if it is to function properly, we will have millions on the street. I wonder what that will do for crime rates if the already disenfranchised truly have nothing by the millions…
    The man is a lunatic and a monster.

    • Whatever says:

      Dimwit. The DoE was created by Carter. They transferred the nuclear work from the DoD, and the rest of it was supposed to save the world 30 years ago by developing alternative energy.

      That worked out splendidly, didn’t it?

    • Whatever says:

      Without HUD – which does need a serious overhaul and a lot MORE funding if it is to function properly, we will have millions on the street.

      Can we say “self-fulfilling prophecy”? You have heard that term haven’t you, professor?

    • wolfie says:

      I wonder what we ever did before we had HUD, D of Energy, and D of Education.

    • ISpeakJive says:

      One of my pet peeves. He’s using the word “disenfranchised” improperly. It means to be denied the ability to vote and thats all it means.

  45. Whatever says:


    As of last night, this site started rendering in a funky text-like format. I thought it was traffic related, but I just opened Firefox, and it looks normal there.

    Something changed last night, and it doesn’t render properly in Chrome any more. Everything’s super wide, and the right side bare is at the bottom, and the text is screwy in Chrome.

  46. Daedalus says:

    m :

    Y’all want to debate, take it over to The Blogmocracy. We’re here to make fun of Charles.


    (started to say “expose Charles” but NOBODY wants that)


  47. Bagua says:

    Nodrog :
    Nice work, Bagua, using a loon like Ludwig to discredit all of the vast majority of reputable scientists who agree that Anthropogenic Global Warming exists. So that you can go on driving your hog of an SUV and all that. Or perhaps, continue to take your monthly checks from your energy company employer, as many of the global warming denialist “scientists” are doing.
    Read “Merchants of Doubt” sometime, and get the truth about the money behind global warming denialism.

    Hahaha, using the old “vast majority” warmist talking point are we Nodrog? Claiming I’m a Big Oil shill? Linking to warmist propaganda?

    Are you sure you’re not still an LGF member? Perhaps receiving their checks? You are repeating the same nonsense they do.

    This is 2011, not 2008. These talking points and ex cathedra calls to authority don’t work anymore. The Science is Scuttled™ (hint, it’s not science, it’s a a belief system.)

  48. GrandJunctionite says:

    Stillactive :
    I hope Lewdy’s made arraignments so when he splods he’s endothermic.

    He seems to be releasing photons at the cyclic rate. I believe an exothermic eruption is imminent.

    • Bagua says:

      Notice the high upding counts, the morons are so thankful their teacher has returned.

      Apparently there will be no apology to the Iceweasel for calling her a “Bitch”. Jimmah is uniquely ok with that in this case.

  49. Bagua says:

    Ha! The lunatic is back.

    84 LudwigVanQuixote Wed, Jan 26, 2011 12:08:43pm

    NO you can join the army, be given less than optimal equipment and sent to fight for the oil profits of folks like him. If you survive they will make you a junior member of the franchise.

    Blood for Oil! And other fatuous leftie talking points. DoD is saved! There will be much insanity to mock.

    • GrandJunctionite says:

      Sodom and Gomorrah. Oh Lewdy we missed you so.

      76 LudwigVanQuixote Wed, Jan 26, 2011 12:06:39pm 1

      re: #44 EmmmieG
      Judicial branch %32.
      In India court cases can take generations, sometimes being resolved after all the originators are dead.
      Yeah, sounds good to me. Justice delayed is justice I don’t have to pay for, right?
      This is exaclty is why Avos calls “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is yours,” the way of Sodom.
      When I call them the Gomorrah Old Party, there is no hyperbole. They fit the definition to the mishna.

      • Bagua says:

        Lol, after the kicking he got from the yeshiva students, he is still pretending to be knowledgeable and preaching his warped views to the clueless atheists at the Animal Farm.

      • Whatever says:

        That’s the old Lood I remember. Thanks. I needed that. 🙂

      • Speranza says:

        He is a tough guy until iceweasel shows up.

  50. GrandJunctionite says:

    I’m like a Ludwig Junkie getting my fix. Libertarian Pixie Dust and g-d Damn Fucking Morons!!

    53 LudwigVanQuixote Wed, Jan 26, 2011 12:01:34pm 5

    re: #40 wrenchwench
    Here’s one small part of the Department of Energy, which Paul thinks we need none of:
    National Nuclear Security Administration
    Yeah that is what they do at places like Los Alamos… and many of the other national labs – as well as develop all sorts of stuff that drives our industry.
    Ohhh that’s right, the first computers built themselves… The submarines and aircraft design themselves, and new batteries, forms of energy and ways out of the current energy and climate crisis magically appear through libertarian pixie dust.
    Fucking morons.
    G-d Damn FUCKING morons.

  51. Speranza says:

    The Last Days of Little Green Footballs – has a nice sound to it!

  52. Formercorpsman says:

    So we have gone from Rand Paul, blood for oil, nuclear waste, computers, and on to Sodom.


  53. livefreeor die says:

    This is getting good. Watching Luddy rant about global warming while we’re snowed in tonight is going to be fun.

    Charles, if you know any pharmacy reps, it might be good to have them advertise on LGF.

  54. GrandJunctionite says:

    Ludwig earned his own thread upstairs.

  55. song_and_dance_man says:

    GrandJunctionite :
    I’m like a Ludwig Junkie getting my fix. Libertarian Pixie Dust and g-d Damn Fucking Morons!!
    53 LudwigVanQuixote Wed, Jan 26, 2011 12:01:34pm 5
    re: #40 wrenchwench
    Here’s one small part of the Department of Energy, which Paul thinks we need none of:
    National Nuclear Security Administration
    Yeah that is what they do at places like Los Alamos… and many of the other national labs – as well as develop all sorts of stuff that drives our industry.
    Ohhh that’s right, the first computers built themselves… The submarines and aircraft design themselves, and new batteries, forms of energy and ways out of the current energy and climate crisis magically appear through libertarian pixie dust.
    Fucking morons.
    G-d Damn FUCKING morons.

    Well isn’t that special? Ludwig employs reverence when calling on God writing ‘G-d’, and then uses it in vain within a curse.

  56. Basement Cat says:

    Speranza :Chuckles is busted. he is (in the words of Sharmuta) “disingenuous”.

    That means the dude is a lying sack of snake s***.

  57. snowcrash says:

    Nice complimentary write up for the boys at the DoD in the current blog post at Patterico’s.

  58. Princess Natasha says:

    wolfie :
    I wonder what we ever did before we had HUD, D of Energy, and D of Education.

    You mean to say those were not speedbumps? Oopsy…

  59. ZIP says:

    I got the same results as Chen in Safari.

  60. Barbarian says:

    Charles is a cunt so who cares?