LGF Banned List Update: Lizard Genocide


I know it goes without saying around here, but in case we get some visitors who are unfamiliar, we should note that, for quite some time, Charles Johnson has had a growing reputation of cold indifference and (oftentimes) bizarre reactions towards the commenters who frequent his Little Green Footballs website. In fact, a couple of years ago, even the NYT took notice, as author Jonathan Dee states (emphasis mine):

THE QUESTIONING OF Johnson’s tactics started to come not just from without L.G.F. but also from within. Readers both casual and loyal spoke up in the comment threads to ask, sometimes diplomatically and sometimes not, whether all this casual flinging of epithets like “fascist” wasn’t maybe an overreaction. Johnson’s response, in thousands of cases, was to block their accounts and ban some of them from viewing the blog. “Get off my Web site” was a common farewell. (Johnson insists that this is not true — that no one has ever been banned from L.G.F. merely for disagreeing with him — but the anecdotal evidence to the contrary is voluminous, and the fact that the offending comments were instantly and permanently deleted makes it impossible to check others’ records against his.)

The total number and identities of banned members aren’t statistics that are compiled for viewing on Charles’ site, but in recent years the subject has generated a substantial amount of curiosity.  There were certainly enough lizards outcast to sustain several spin-off websites, but it was pretty difficult to get a hard estimate on just how many. Back in 2009, ex-LGFer Kirly used her blog to start a list of exiled members called “The Book of the Banned“. The list grew as netizens stopped by to report the tales of their banishment, and their handles were added accordingly. Over time, she compiled well over a thousand usernames, but eventually, Kirly grew tired of continuously updating the page, and at about the same time that our DoD website got up and running, the updates had ceased.

Kirls’ “Book of the Banned”

The end of Kirly’s updates didn’t mark the end of the bannings (of course), so a year ago, we decided to take the torch and compile a list of our own. We were impressed with Kirly’s work, but we figured that there could be a more efficient and independently verifiable method of compiling a list. Engineer No. 2 took it upon himself to use the information we’d gathered about the LGF archives and known usernames, grabbed a sockpuppet account, and started checking account statuses. In the end, he compiled a list of 4,252 names that he confirmed as blocked, and put them into a spreadsheet along with their stats gleaned from their profile pages (we’ve kept it under the “Get off my Website” page in the banner; last updated 3/15/11). It’s been a year, and since we’ve been receiving hints that it was deserving an update, and since we still have that open question to Johnson sitting out there unanswered, we thought it might be a good time to dive back in and see what we can find…


In order to do this, one basically needs a healthy LGF account (to view statuses on user profile pages), and a comprehensive list of known usernames. The former has been relatively easy to get these days, and the latter can be gleaned from user comments (and mentions) in the archives. The info for each account is there for the grabbing. The real trick is figuring out a way to gather it efficiently and put it all together while remaining under Johnson’s radar.

Example of a “blocked” LGF user profile.

Now, when we previously sifted through it, the archives gave Engineer no. 2 a little over 20K individual usernames to check. This time around, we turned to Engineer no. 5. He was able to find a few more, and then sent our sockpuppet account (henceforth affectionately referred to as “Patches”) into the Lizard Kingdom to confirm the status on a total of 22,422 known LGF usernames (we should remind everyone that the total registered accounts on the site was ~35,600 as of a month or so ago, which means there are ~13,000 unknown usernames out there. These accounts either haven’t ever commented, or we’ve missed their mention by another lizard).

Make sense?


So, “Patches” got busy…very busy. It’s hard to imagine how this brave sockpuppet was able to peek at the statuses of 22,422 user accounts without dying of exhaustion, but when it did, it reported back to Engineer no. 5 with all the individual stats for comments, links, karma, registration dates, as well as a tally of 6642 active accounts, and 15,780 blocked accounts.

Yep, you read that right. There are at least…


Here is the new, updated list:

MasterBlockedList 3-13-12 (xlsx spreadsheet)

I have to admit that, when first presented with that number, my first reaction was to insist that we make sure that there wasn’t a flaw in our methods. I mean, even for the ban-happy Johnson, such a large number almost seemed absurd. After days of double-checking, however, the results were the same.


Considering that the sample of known accounts was largely the same as what we took a year ago, we had the inkling that what we had stumbled upon here was evidence of a major policy shift on Charles’ part, and of course we were inclined to dig a little further. First, we wanted to determine how many of the accounts we could confirm were banned in the past year (in other words, those now banned were confirmed as “active” a year ago). From Engineer no 5:

There are now 15,780 confirmed blocked accounts.  No 2’s last spreadsheet showed 4,252,  i.e. 11,528 more blocked accounts than we knew of 1 year ago.   However, my data includes 2100 accounts that No. 2 never statused, and 1074 of those are blocked (but we don’t know when).   So we can safely say that that CJ pressed the block button at least 11,528-1074=10,454 times since 15 Mar 2011.

We’ll return to that 10,454 number in a minute, but next we wanted to try to wrap our minds around the rationale here. We couldn’t imagine that over 10K usernames had even been active in the last year, or had otherwise done something to warrant a banishment. Indeed, what we found is that a great number of these newly banned folks hadn’t commented in quite a while:

So, we can confirm that Johnson has been banning thousands of folks based on something other than anything they’ve posted on his website. This was beginning to point toward some sort of “cleansing” of dormant accounts or “lurkers” in CJ’s account database, whereas he was intentionally blocking nics that hadn’t commented in a certain amount of time. We were beginning to envision an extinction event, where thousands of lizards cried out in a last gasp as they died by the motion of a single mouse click. Assuming that most of these weren’t case-by-case, what were Johnson’s parameters? And do we dare speculate…why?

Well, as we looked at our data further, we discover that, contrary to the “dormant lizard” theory, we find that 75% of the unblocked accounts haven’t commented on the site since 2006:

Looking at both of those, we start to ponder if we’re looking for a combination of factors. It could be that CJ was targeting dormant posters from certain eras of LGF history. So, we decided to look at the data another way, comparing our 2011 list with the new one, and factoring in the registration dates for the entire sample. What we found was very interesting (wait for the throb):

As you can see, lizards of all ages got banned in large numbers, but the lizards registered from ’07-’09 were hit extremely hard, to the point that the “class of 2008” appears to be virtually extinct. Still, this isn’t conclusive, and it is possible that the mass banning had other factors (like number of comments, for example). The answer might be in the data somewhere, so we’ll continue to poke at it a bit, and provide an update if/when we find something.

Ok…back to that 10,454 number. As in, we confirm that Johnson has banned at least 10,454 accounts in the last 12 months. It’s a staggering number, equivalent to 28.7 accounts per day. More than one per hour.

It also brings up another interesting point of comparison. Remember our big thread about LGF’s declining registration levels? A year ago, on 3/15/11, lizard “RanchTooth” registered, becoming LGF account #35,043. Two days ago, we registered a sock account “127 Bart Ave”, which was #35,621. See where we’re going with this? In 12 months, Charles has banned at least 10,454 accounts, while gaining only 579. It’s a ratio of roughly 18:1. And assuming that the bulk of the ~13,000 unknown usernames are also blocked, it means that, if the pace kept up, Johnson would find himself completely out of commenters by this time next year.

As a corollary, we can return to the open question of “banning level” (referring to the comment CJ made back in ’07, the sole time he revealed how many accounts were banned). In that comment, he miscalculated and said that 0.02% of the total accounts were blocked (381/~15,000 = 2%, actually). With our update, we can state that this level is now at least (15,780/35,621 = 44.3%). The fate of over 1/3 of the accounts are unknown, but with what we know now, I think we can speculate that the real number is much higher (the “banning level” of known accounts is 15,780/22,422 = 70.4%, which is probably a more meaningful number anyway).

Finally, one last way to look at this is from the perspective of the millions of comments in the archives that span a decade, and their authors. There are now so many people banned at the site that we’ve crossed a sort of grim threshold. If you were to randomly pull up any of the 9.5 million comments in the archives, chances are that the author of that comment is now blocked.  Or if you compare it to last year’s figures:

If there were bragging rights for this sort of thing, Johnson would undoubtedly be the undisputed champion. A league of his own. It’s really pretty mind-boggling, and hard to imagine what kind of a logical explanation one might come up with for it.


I think Jonathan Dee would be pretty interested to see where Johnson has gone since the aforementioned article he wrote on him two years ago. It’s obviously gone beyond being banned for disruptions, hate speech, calls for violence, or petty disagreements. Charles appears to have unconditionally taken out the bulk of his active accounts, without any explanation. I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to determine with certainty if this was done in one swoop, or one at a time (the sheer numbers involved seems to necessitate an emphasis on the former, but who knows), but we’ll keep working on the data to learn more and see if there was more of a common association within the banned.

Regardless, the overriding question again is…why?

It’s hard to believe that Johnson would try to explain it away with some convoluted excuse about the threat of “spambots”, but he might. Engineer no. 5 speculates that “Somehow CJ uncovered the thousands of sleeper agents planted years ago by racist homophobes and dispatched them with ruthless efficiency“. Heh. Possibly.

My theory? Frustrated by years of getting pwned by current and former lizards to the point of rampant paranoia over the intent of all his account holders, Johnson decides to nuke his own blog with mass indiscriminate bannings. Unfortunately for Mr. @lizardoid, our revelation is just another pwnage to add to the list. (To add insult to injury, he never did catch “Patches”!)

443 Comments on “LGF Banned List Update: Lizard Genocide”

  1. P. Ness Lowell says:

    To ban or not to ban? That is the question.

    Aww, fukit. Adieu.

  2. Voltaire's Crack says:


  3. Bagua says:

    Gosh, the sinister Bagua made it to “example” status.

    Must rush to update me resume!


    • Here’s another example:

      • Bagua says:


        I miss Sharmuta. 😦

        Interesting that she registered just about 4 months before me. Though I didn’t post much until later.

      • Claytonia Sibirica says:

        I always wanted to know the real story with Sharmuta, all kinds of ugly things were said at the time.

        Weird, ugly things.

      • P. Ness Lowell says:

        The Sharmuta facts are pretty clear: she disappeared from the comments within hours of the Dee piece. Speculation is that it was because of the “un-Mata Hari”. But regardless, the connection to the Dee piece is pretty clear.

      • Bagua says:

        She was badly treated.

      • P. Ness Lowell says:

        Fuck you, I thought you were dead.

      • Voltaire's Crack says:

        Quite a bit of bad blood between her and Iceweasel and her towards the end. Appeared to be a lot of offline correspondence that would get brought up. Somewhere along the line Jimmah/Iceweasel had a lot to say (not nice) about the fact that other lizard’s helped out Sharmuta in the past.

      • The Osprey says:

        I thought Sharmuta was there much earlier than 2007…or was it under a different NIC?

      • Lily says:

        WoW ! I thought Sharmuta just left..apparently not.

      • Bagua says:

        Yup, the iceweasel/Jimmah made friends before they turned their knives on Sharmuta.

        This pattern was repeated several times, but was especially intense with Sharmuta including off-blog communications.

        A lot of the Dexter episodes have him making friends with, and winning the confidence of those he later chopped up on his table.

        Typical trait for sociopaths.

      • Emperor says:

        As far as I was aware, Sharmuta left of her own accord….. It was immediately after the NYT article. As the Weasel put it, she went on a “spiritual journey”

        (spiritual journey to the Lizard firing squad, it seems)

        I would guess that Sharmuta was banned recently. I definitely don’t think she was banned right after leaving.

      • snowcrash says:

        She didn’t deserve the treatment she got. Charles allowed it, just as he is letting his ankle biters snipe Kilgore Trout. They set the temper trap. Funny to watch.

      • P. Ness Lowell says:

        This suggests, as many suspect, that the weasel has the second key to the galley. Sure looks that way to me.

      • garycooper says:

        I’m sorry, Charles.

      • dwells38 says:

        Let’s face it she was weird and sycophantic and sad. I don’t know what her deal was but by the time I was around you couldn’t even engage her in causal conversations. It seemed like she wasn’t allowed that or didn’t allow herself that without Charles’ approval. That turned me off and started my suspicions it isn’t a healthy community.

  4. The Osprey says:

    ” “Get off my Web site” was a common farewell. “

    Followed closely by the ever popular “I bid you adieu!”

  5. Arachne says:

    So much to absorb. This will need further study and perhaps two glasses of wine.
    Fantastic job, guys. Shitload of envy over here.

  6. The Osprey says:

    Finally, one last way to look at this is from the perspective of the millions of comments in the archives that span a decade, and their authors. There are now so many people banned at the site that we’ve crossed a sort of grim threshold.

    Uh, isn’t that more properly a “grim milestone” in Bush era MSM-Speak?

  7. snowcrash says:

    Patches, I’m depending on you son, to pull the family through. Excellent song by Clarence Carter. Lol

  8. snowcrash says:

    My unscientific conclusion, paranoid + jerk.

    • dwells38 says:

      I think he rues the day he banned Chen. Daedalus, yeah. A relentless mocker and lifetime enemy that he can’t stop. But Chen’s like revenge of the nerds. How can you be superior when you have you’re own actions and words are so thoroughly thrown in your face by numbers and facts and statistics? And graphs!! And done so thoughtfully and even cheerfully with no real malice. Just pure observation. LOL! Chen serves revenge the best way.


  9. Bagua says:

    Shock And Awe!

    15,780 Blocked accounts On LGF


  10. Bagua says:

    So, about 1,000 banned for each active poster who remains.

    The Few, The Cowed, The Lizards.

  11. I left out of boredom long before I got banned.

    • P. Ness Lowell says:

      Me too. The CrEaTiOnIsTs!!!1111 shiite was getting annoying beyond words.

    • m says:

      Yep, that’s why I left. I didn’t get banned until I went back a year later and told him he’d lost his fucking mind. I just had to get it on record.

  12. Pakimon says:

    Speaking of Clarence Carter, Here’s an ode to Chunky and his stroking with his mighty BanStick.

  13. MrPaulRevere says:

    Logistically speaking, just think of the time involved in banning all of those accounts. I can only guess as to the raw number of hours. Close to 100 I’d gather.

  14. It makes me feel small… I’m just one little ex-Lizard among the masses. Charles kind of reminds me of Pol Pot or Mao and his cultural revolution. LGF is certainly an intellectual wasteland now.

  15. P. Ness Lowell says:

    So. Is Ludwig’s account still in good standing?

  16. Bagua says:

    Lalala, I can’t hear you

    Safe at Last

    Charles Johnson

  17. bumr50 says:

    Charles The Tolerant.

  18. Crap… Microsoft Windows update downloading now… will probably have to reboot. Don’t think they really update anything. I think it’s an excuse to make you reboot your computer so Windows can clean out all the crap it leaves orphaned in memory. Microsoft has NEVER been able to figure out how to keep memory “clean” enough so it doesn’t butt up against itself.

    And why so many update? To keep patching the bugs in their shitty-assed operating system?

    • bumr50 says:

      It’s a MS thing.

      My 360 is even worse, because it takes forever to download the updates, sometimes twice a week, and usually when I want to kill 15-30 minutes playing a quick game of NHL 12.

      • P. Ness Lowell says:

        I don’t do updates if I don’t have to. I was using Thunderbird for email until it automatically updated itself. Now the damn thing uses 100% CPU cycles (and I mean 100%). All my old email is stranded. Jerks.

  19. Bagua says:

    Lalala, I can’t hear you

    Safe at Last


  20. Aaaaagggghhhhh… here it goes… Microsoft wants to reboot my computer when I’m right in the middle of….

  21. Emperor says:

    Amazing job again by the BRC. 15,000 accounts!? That is just about unbelievable until you realize it is Charles Johnson.

    Mr. Dee probably did not realize at the time how prescient the “blog version of Animal Farm” statement was.

    • Lily says:

      That is what I was thinking over 15,000 accounts blocked!
      /he has been a busy bee hasn’t he?
      He is trying to erase a whole decade of what made him successful.

  22. Lily says:

    Bagua :
    I miss Sharmuta.
    Interesting that she registered just about 4 months before me. Though I didn’t post much until later.

    Sharmuta was there way before you under other names. In fact she would use a couple of her nic’s and talk to her self in the threads even to the point of updinging her own comments.

  23. Lily says:

    The Osprey :
    I thought Sharmuta was there much earlier than 2007…or was it under a different NIC?

    Under different nic’s.

  24. doriangrey1 says:

    Emperor :
    Amazing job again by the BRC. 15,000 accounts!? That is just about unbelievable until you realize it is Charles Johnson.
    Mr. Dee probably did not realize at the time how prescient the “blog version of Animal Farm” statement was.

    Charles is attempting to make good on his promise to ban the entire interwebs… 😆 😆 😆

  25. badanov says:

    I makr Cahrels Hojsnon’s descent into madness with his “separation” from Pajamas media. I think it fried his brains.

  26. P. Ness Lowell says:

    Pssst. Linux.

  27. Bagua says:

    ChenZhen, as The Minotaur :
    We posted up the list for everybody
    /it appears that Ludwig has survived

    Alone, alone, all, all alone,
    Alone on a wide wide sea!
    And never a saint took pity on
    My soul in agony.

    The many men, so beautiful!
    And they all dead did lie;
    And a thousand thousand slimy things
    Lived on; and so did I.

  28. The Osprey says:

    15,000 blocked accounts on LGF
    Yo, ho, ho and a bag of Cheetos!

  29. Bagua says:

    The souls did from their bodies fly, –
    They fled to bliss or woe!
    And every soul it passed me by,
    Like the whizz of my crossbow!

    Only in this real life extinction event,
    The Rime of the Ancient Blog-Daddy
    the cross-bow was a ban-stick and the wizz went into bottles.

  30. m says:

    The Osprey :

    I thought Sharmuta was there much earlier than 2007…or was it under a different NIC?

    I see at least 4 of her nics on the blocked list.

  31. Lily says:

    Claytonia Sibirica :
    I always wanted to know the real story with Sharmuta, all kinds of ugly things were said at the time.
    Weird, ugly things.

    The real story is very complex and spans the years of lgf.
    /in other words ‘it’s a long, long story’. Oh you just want the one on why she left.
    That is only a little part of the Sharmuta story.

  32. Bunk X says:


    10 Stanley Sea for a while, till someone screws up Tue, Mar 13, 2012 4:22:34pm
    O/T I reached 100 followers on the twitter today. Too bad the last one was some chick in a bra selling stuff.

    Other news: Soledad’s Earpiece got over 160 followers in 2 hours.

  33. m says:

    P. Ness Lowell :

    Fuck you, I thought you were dead.

    Which at the time it would have been a better option in her eyes. Sad, huh?

  34. Voltaire's Crack says:

    15,000 banned? Just to lend a sense of proportion:


    Chuck E. Cheese’s employs over 15,000 people throughout the U.S. and Canada, and we value the diverse backgrounds, expertise, and experience they bring to our organization. We are committed to an environment that supports and includes people regardless of their race, color, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, age, national origin, religion, physical or mental disabilities, or military veteran status.

    Chuck E. Cheetoh’s banned the equivalent of the entire Chuck E. Cheese workforce.

  35. haysoos says:

    for the record….
    Sharmuta was a very sweet, sensitive, bright woman….just a joy to post with….she was very gentile natured, a devout Catholic and one hell of a nice person….anybody that says otherwise is either ignorant or a liar

    • m says:

      She wasn’t Catholic.

    • P. Ness Lowell says:

      You never saw her on a bad hair day.

    • Formercorpsman says:

      I say otherwise.

      First, I never really got involved with getting to know people off of the site. But when Charles decided he was going to purge his site of long time posters, she was absolutely involved with the dogpile. She would participate totally in the set up.

      She went out of her way to malign solid, long time posters who never did a damn thing to her, for whatever she thought it would get her in the hierarchy of the site. I know there are others out there who feel the same way I do, perhaps they won’t say it, but good Lord the whole slobbery over Charles just took the place down so many levels from what it had been. Add to that, her chronic bellyaching “what about me?” when she tried to join the chorus of how bad the Republicans were.

      For crying out loud, it was like watching hormonal teen just run rampant in the house.

      • Formercorpsman says:

        That being said, if for some reason she had issues that folks contribute her actions towards that, fine.

        If she is in a better place now, good for her. I say that without any malice.

  36. Zeus Crankypants :

    It makes me feel small… I’m just one little ex-Lizard among the masses. Charles kind of reminds me of Pol Pot or Mao and his cultural revolution. LGF is certainly an intellectual wasteland now.

    Good point. Perhaps we’ve moved beyond the “badge of honor” factor with LGF banishment. We’re a majority now. Just one of the 15,000. LOL

  37. haysoos says:

    ChenZhen, as The Minotaur :

    Zeus Crankypants :
    It makes me feel small… I’m just one little ex-Lizard among the masses. Charles kind of reminds me of Pol Pot or Mao and his cultural revolution. LGF is certainly an intellectual wasteland now.

    Good point. Perhaps we’ve moved beyond the “badge of honor” factor with LGF banishment. We’re a majority now. Just one of the 15,000. LOL

    I am an army of one

  38. Lily says:

    snowcrash :
    She didn’t deserve the treatment she got. Charles allowed it, just as he is letting his ankle biters snipe Kilgore Trout. They set the temper trap. Funny to watch.

    I was already banned by then. But no she didn’t deserve the treatment she got.
    There was one Sharmuta was and that was very loyal to lgf and cj.

    • m says:

      Ain’t that the truth? I became a non-person when I made a comment on fallback lgf that people were kissing his ass too much, or some such.

      She never spoke a word to me again I don’t think.

  39. haysoos says:

    m :
    She wasn’t Catholic.

    she’s a personal friend of mine…she rediscovered Catholicism a few years back and was pursuing her faith when she left LGF….think whatever you want

    • m says:

      She was a personal friend of mine as well even if we never met in person. I spent hours upon hours on the phone with her.

      If she discovered Catholicism after, God bless her. But she treated her friends like shit for the love of a blog owner across the country.

      To each their own I guess.

      • P. Ness Lowell says:

        And wished some death.

      • Bagua says:

        She was under a malign influence at the time and has since moved on in a positive manner.

        Charles and LGF resulted in many variations of co-dependency, cultish behaviour and group think.

        Some of those who fell sway are more famous than others, but there are many examples.

        LGF brought out the nasty in most everyone who posted there at some point. We are all human.*

        With some exceptions, such as marsupials and felines.

      • P. Ness Lowell says:

        Weasels are mustelids.

    • Lily says:

      Good for her then.

  40. Pakimon says:

    I’m confused.

    I thought Kilgore Trout was pretty much regarded with complete contempt around here for his planting of “over the top” vile comments on various blogs to make everyone think those blogs were populated with racists.

    Now all of a sudden he’s “a good guy”?

    What am I missing?

    • Claytonia Sibirica says:

      I honestly think people are wanting to see him in a nicer light because he’s going against Johnson and the more lefty elements with his whole OWS obsession

    • Bagua says:

      I’ve always liked Kilgore, and have not changed in that.

    • snowcrash says:

      I pretty much despise the contrarian jerk. And if I wanted to be a big old baby, I would say something like I would never post at the same blog as he does.

    • Formercorpsman says:

      He is another douche.

  41. haysoos says:

    m :
    Ain’t that the truth? I became a non-person when I made a comment on fallback lgf that people were kissing his ass too much, or some such.
    She never spoke a word to me again I don’t think.

    and LGF as well as the rest of us were evolving with the times…I was very “loyal” to LGF at one point myself…so what?….things change…Sharmuta was trashed by a bunch of asshole newbies, just like me….somehow I don’t trust your memory

  42. haysoos says:

    Pakimon :
    I’m confused.
    I thought Kilgore Trout was pretty much regarded with complete contempt around here for his planting of “over the top” vile comments on various blogs to make everyone think those blogs were populated with racists.
    Now all of a sudden he’s “a good guy”?
    What am I missing?

    somebody around has a hardon for KT…they don’t see him like I do for some reason…they are mistaken

  43. m says:

    P. Ness Lowell :

    And wished some death.

    Now, now she just evolved with the times at lgf, can’t hold it against her. I’m glad you weren’t dead.

  44. Pakimon says:

    I was very “loyal” to LGF at one point myself…so what?….things change…

    Everyone was very loyal to LGF at one time until what “changed” was that Chunky became a backstabbing P.O.S.

    It’s simple as that.

  45. P. Ness Lowell says:

    ChenZhen, as The Minotaur :
    Indeed, Sharmuta’s last comment was Jan ’10, but she is amongst the 10K who were banned since last March.

    This. ^^^^^

    A second key to the galley would make a lot of pieces fit together better wouldn’t it?

  46. haysoos says:

    m :

    P. Ness Lowell :
    And wished some death.

    Now, now she just evolved with the times at lgf, can’t hold it against her. I’m glad you weren’t dead.

    there is always a sore loser…back in that time there was huge support for Sharmuta, maybe you were not such a friend to her as you think

    • m says:

      Seriously? Sore loser? Dude you weren’t even around then. “Sharmuta” was the mutant. You probably believed that whole “this is why i changed my nic” schtick too huh?? I’ll keep my mouth shut out of respect for Chen but you have no idea what you are talking about.

      W-Lover, Dubs, Dubluv were all great peeps. Fun, witty, a little crazy but we all accepted it.

      There isn’t any reason to get snippy with me because I learned my lesson the hard way.

    • Daedalus says:

      Sharmuta backstabbed a few people. She’s not this innocent creature you make her out to be.

    • jd says:

      Sharmuta was ok. She did some research. She would talk logic. She tilted a little when she let an emotional attachment to someone elses Johnson color her perception of other bloggers. I talked to her on and off via the blog for a few years, then stopped completely when her response became skewed and overly assertive.

      I would assume that like most departing lizaroids that she got mentally healthier once she dropped the burden of LGFspeak from her thought patterns.

  47. Claytonia Sibirica says:

    hey chen, is there gonna be an updated list?

  48. sacred ham says:

    Interesting. Back when I was posting here about a year ago, my LGF account, which I hadn’t used in years, stayed active, all through the Twitter battle as Chuckles3000, etc., even though my LGF user name could be fairly easily guessed from my name here. I hadn’t tried to log in there in a long time, but sure enough, now my account is blocked. I guess he got bored with filling bottles and scanning his comic books and made a project of banning inactive accounts? Very impressive, Chuck, very impressive.

    • snowcrash says:

      I missed your 3 strips of bacon.

    • jd says:

      He’s trying to get rid of the old socks by batch banning based on time date stamps. Get a new Mac address and create a new sock. Make friends with a couple of chatty posters and massage their egos. Upding Charles

  49. haysoos says:

    sacred ham :
    Interesting. Back when I was posting here about a year ago, my LGF account, which I hadn’t used in years, stayed active, all through the Twitter battle as Chuckles3000, etc., even though my LGF user name could be fairly easily guessed from my name here. I hadn’t tried to log in there in a long time, but sure enough, now my account is blocked. I guess he got bored with filling bottles and scanning his comic books and made a project of banning inactive accounts? Very impressive, Chuck, very impressive.

    he’s the human Shop Vac

  50. a-naughty-mouse says:

    With all of those people banned, and the class of 2004 so decimated, I wonder who is the longest lasting survivor.

    Going through 6000 or so “registered since” dates shouldn’t take too long.

    Any guesses?

  51. haysoos says:

    a-naughty-mouse :
    With all of those people banned, and the class of 2004 so decimated, I wonder who is the longest lasting survivor.
    Going through 6000 or so “registered since” dates shouldn’t take too long.
    Any guesses?

    there are others

  52. Hugh G. Rection says:

    ChenZhen, as The Minotaur :
    LOL look at the karma.

    Sharmuta averaged almost 73 comments a day.

  53. Speranza says:

    snowcrash :
    She didn’t deserve the treatment she got. Charles allowed it, just as he is letting his ankle biters snipe Kilgore Trout. They set the temper trap. Funny to watch.

    Charles treated her like shit.

  54. Bagua says:

    Claytonia Sibirica :
    hey chen, is there gonna be an updated list?

    It was posted. Have a peek at #15334

  55. haysoos says:

    Speranza :

    snowcrash :
    She didn’t deserve the treatment she got. Charles allowed it, just as he is letting his ankle biters snipe Kilgore Trout. They set the temper trap. Funny to watch.

    Charles treated her like shit.

    agreed…CJ unleashes his attack poodles and your baked, just a matter of when…he ans others misrepresent Sharmuta and others…so what’s that make them?

  56. haysoos says:

    Hugh G. Rection :

    ChenZhen, as The Minotaur :
    LOL look at the karma.

    Sharmuta averaged almost 73 comments a day.

    so what?…I was sick and posted 24/7 a few times….overnight threads were pretty lively and since I was strung out on Vicoden, I posted

  57. P. Ness Lowell says:

    Didn’t they used to scrap over the karma when somebody was banned? Who got Sharm’s 110,000 karma quatloos?

  58. haysoos says:

    Bagua :
    We had some real good times under the circumstances!

    dig that bro….we went downtown a few times eh?

  59. Speranza says:

    haysoos :

    m :
    Ain’t that the truth? I became a non-person when I made a comment on fallback lgf that people were kissing his ass too much, or some such.
    She never spoke a word to me again I don’t think.

    and LGF as well as the rest of us were evolving with the times…I was very “loyal” to LGF at one point myself…so what?….things change…Sharmuta was trashed by a bunch of asshole newbies, just like me….somehow I don’t trust your memory

    If Michelle says it’s so believe her. She tried to help the poor girl out but Sharmuta sadly was too enamored with the fat guy running LGF. I am glad that Sharmuta is getting her life together but m is not a liar – that you can take to the bank.

  60. Bagua says:

    Big-Up to the BRC!

    Outstanding revelation.

  61. Alberta Oil Peon says:

    The Osprey :
    I thought Sharmuta was there much earlier than 2007…or was it under a different NIC?

    I may be wrong, but I believe she had prior nics, possibly Amalie and Bubblegirl.

  62. Galvatron says:

    haysoos :
    for the record….
    Sharmuta was a very sweet, sensitive, bright woman….just a joy to post with….she was very gentile natured, a devout Catholic and one hell of a nice person….anybody that says otherwise is either ignorant or a liar

    She was a mentally unstable bitch. She stalked Peacekeepr and gave Charles personal information about people. She could go fuck off.

  63. Hugh G. Rection says:

    haysoos :

    Hugh G. Rection :

    ChenZhen, as The Minotaur :
    LOL look at the karma.

    Sharmuta averaged almost 73 comments a day.

    so what?…I was sick and posted 24/7 a few times….overnight threads were pretty lively and since I was strung out on Vicoden, I posted

    The sad thing was that she was living on LGF and the time she spent posting there might have been better spent actually looking for employment or going back to school for more training skills. Anyway it is all in the past and we wish her well. She was a victim not a victimizer.

  64. Galvatron says:

    haysoos :

    m :

    P. Ness Lowell :
    And wished some death.

    Now, now she just evolved with the times at lgf, can’t hold it against her. I’m glad you weren’t dead.

    there is always a sore loser…back in that time there was huge support for Sharmuta, maybe you were not such a friend to her as you think

    The only loser was Sharmuta. She though Charles was in love with her and did posts as tribute to her. She was the loser who couldn’t hold a job and lived a fantasy world.

  65. Speranza says:

    Alberta Oil Peon :

    The Osprey :
    I thought Sharmuta was there much earlier than 2007…or was it under a different NIC?

    I may be wrong, but I believe she had prior nics, possibly Amalie and Bubblegirl.

    Sharmuta was not Amalie/Bubble Girl. That was another person who was from Colorado.

  66. haysoos says:

    LGF from when I started lurking in 04 til late 07 was a rockin joint…all sorts posted there and there were regrets, I’m sure…but anybody that can’t recall that time shouldn’t speak against it…it was not about Charles, it was about us…he was not so outspoken then…people disappeared and accounts blocked, including mine…I have been blocked twice and don’t hold a grudge regarding the first time….there was a lot of heat back then, nothing at all like it is now…people brawled their way to those alike, then struck out together…survival of the fittest….CJ was overwhelmed with riots so invented Stinky, and hired monitors….it was crazy and it was a bunch of fun too….I don’t think people took themselves so seriously then, it was a mob…you made friends or you were swept away by crushing intellect and humor….LGF was very cool back then and I was happy to laugh and brawl and learn stuff…now I’m jaded..that’s all gone

  67. Speranza says:

    Galvatron :

    haysoos :
    for the record….
    Sharmuta was a very sweet, sensitive, bright woman….just a joy to post with….she was very gentile natured, a devout Catholic and one hell of a nice person….anybody that says otherwise is either ignorant or a liar

    She was a mentally unstable bitch. She stalked Peacekeepr and gave Charles personal information about people. She could go fuck off.

    Dude she is not a bad person. What’s past is past.
    Now, as far as Irish Rose goes………

  68. haysoos :
    LGF from when I started lurking in 04 til late 07 was a rockin joint…all sorts posted there and there were regrets, I’m sure…but anybody that can’t recall that time shouldn’t speak against it…it was not about Charles, it was about us…he was not so outspoken then…people disappeared and accounts blocked, including mine…I have been blocked twice and don’t hold a grudge regarding the first time….there was a lot of heat back then, nothing at all like it is now…people brawled their way to those alike, then struck out together…survival of the fittest….CJ was overwhelmed with riots so invented Stinky, and hired monitors….it was crazy and it was a bunch of fun too….I don’t think people took themselves so seriously then, it was a mob…you made friends or you were swept away by crushing intellect and humor….LGF was very cool back then and I was happy to laugh and brawl and learn stuff…now I’m jaded..that’s all gone

    Yea… you’re right… but then again… there was that Steve guy!

  69. haysoos says:

    Irish Rose was a clinical lunatic

  70. Speranza says:

    When Sharmuta was W-lover, I actually had many good conversations with her. That’s the person I like to remember.

  71. Bagua says:

    Supper bell is clanking away at Bagua’s Secret Bat Cave.

    Later all!



  72. Daedalus says:

    haysoos :

    Irish Rose was a clinical lunatic

    She’s the ultimate loser and a welfare leech.

  73. Speranza says:

    haysoos :
    Irish Rose was a clinical lunatic

    A complete psychopath. The type of gal who would pursue a vendetta for years and years. Her fall out with iceweasel was over who would be the Queen of LGF. I saw Irish Rose come on Table 9 and brag about the “surprise” she had in store for us, she got blogmoc shut down for an hour and ran like a little witch to cackle over at LGF about it. She had another falling out with the blog owner of “Rise of the Center” recently (I read that here on DoD) and got bounced from there.

  74. Speranza says:

    Daedalus :

    haysoos :
    Irish Rose was a clinical lunatic

    She’s the ultimate loser and a welfare leech.

    I never felt that she was as poor as she made herself out to be.

  75. haysoos says:

    Bagua :
    Yep, he was a menace!

    I liked a good fight…then…
    KT taught me to cool it and rebutt with a smile

  76. haysoos says:

    Speranza :

    haysoos :
    Irish Rose was a clinical lunatic

    A complete psychopath. The type of gal who would pursue a vendetta for years and years. Her fall out with iceweasel was over who would be the Queen of LGF. I saw Irish Rose come on Table 9 and brag about the “surprise” she had in store for us, she got blogmoc shut down for an hour and ran like a little witch to cackle over at LGF about it. She had another falling out with the blog owner of “Rise of the Center” recently (I read that here on DoD) and got bounced from there.

    her, Dark Falcon and then Gus really got into the stalker thing…I tried numerous times to talk them out of it, but they dug the attention…meanwhile LGF was folding

    • Daedalus says:

      Gus is an anti-American leech. He lives off other people and acts like he’s important. Dark Falcon I have no respect for.

  77. m says:

    garycooper :

    I’m sorry, Charles.


    • garycooper says:

      I had my detractors once upon a time, at LGF. I was into pushing people’s buttons for fun on the internet, at the time. It was a bad habit I picked up in the then-bare-knuckle world of NHL hockey forums, where I was also infamous for a time under my Red Wings-derived name of “Octopus.” People at LGF were calling me “Inky” behind my back, Rightymouse revealed to me the other day…probably other racist names, as well. I forced Chunky to ban me, after he warned me to stop fighting with the other kids, and I pointedly ignored him. Then he lied, and said I threatened him by email. He was already a lying POS, in 2005!

      I never really knew Sharmuta, as my second go-round with LGF as Garycooper was short and sweet. As soon as I realized Chunky and his boy Ludwig (I mean, the great man and eminent scientist Ludwig) were obsessed with promoting the horrors of AGW, I knew my days were numbered. I tried to be polite about it, but eventually I was braced by Luds one afternoon, badgered into an exchange of insults, and then he told me, “Say one more thing…I dare you!” I couldn’t resist, and found myself banned and blocked instantly. Thus, I was convinced that Ludwig himself banned me. Now, it seems like he might have been communicating with Chunky during the incident, and they were giggling together like two little schoolgirls, knowing they were about to drop the hammer. How hilarious, in retrospect. 😆

  78. haysoos says:

    Daedalus :
    Gus is an anti-American leech. He lives off other people and acts like he’s important. Dark Falcon I have no respect for.

    blog whores…it’s their life, letters across a monitor

    • Daedalus says:

      Its sad seeing grown men trying to please some washed up guitarist.

    • Poteen says:

      blog whores…it’s their life, letters across a monitor

      Hearty agreement with you there. That tiny little screen can be as addicting as heroin for some people. As evidenced by the differing perceptions above. Loving or hating anyone for what gets typed anonymously into a computer isn’t rational.
      Hitting ‘enter’ isn’t the same as firing it through your front window.

  79. Daedalus says:

    Iceweasal is the real power at LGF. She gets people banned and gives Charles his story.

    • Lily says:

      D…. don’t forget medurea or however you spell that things name.
      She came first and was a horrible creature. She started the rift with Robert Spencer and her and her so-called husbands peek-you thing.
      She was a very nasty one that one.

  80. Speranza says:

    So I see the fat fucker finally banned zulubaby, ungrateful bastard that he is! She gave so much to that blog and sent him so many news stories.
    I also see he banned mommydoc as well.

  81. Daedalus says:

    Speranza :

    So I see the fat fucker finally banned zulubaby, ungrateful bastard that he is! She gave so much to that blog and sent him so many news stories.
    I also see he banned mommydoc as well.

    He doesn’t care.

    • Speranza says:

      I think in his heart of hearts he knows he made a huge effing mistake but he is too far gone to ever go back.

    • Lily says:

      No he doesn’t care. He tried to re-shape his blog so he would fit in with the lefties.

      Now he will be known for blocking over 15,000 posters. Not the mere 4500 or so.

      No one can dare say now that he didn’t block someone for no good reason.
      He blocked because he could and did for no rhyme or reason.

  82. haysoos says:

    Daedalus :
    Its sad seeing grown men trying to please some washed up guitarist.

    there is something disturbingly Freudian about the whole thing….even spooky

  83. m says:

    Lily :

    Oh boy did he use her. It was wrong on so many levels.

    Seriously, if I ever did run across him (highly unlikely being on the other side of the country and all) but if I did I promise you I would cuss him out just for the shit he did to her.

    /oh noes! another death threat!

  84. Far be it from me to be attempting to fan Charles Johnson’s paranoia that would not be fair.

    He should know that I do not have the time or ability to register 15 or 20 socks every time he opens up the flood gates.

    Nope not me, now Iron Fist I could see him doing that or even Bagua or Beed etal.

  85. doriangrey1 says:

    P. Ness Lowell :
    Fuck you, I thought you were dead.

    Some things penicillin just won’t kill… 😳

  86. Speranza says:

    m :

    Lily :

    Oh boy did he use her. It was wrong on so many levels.

    Seriously, if I ever did run across him (highly unlikely being on the other side of the country and all) but if I did I promise you I would cuss him out just for the shit he did to her.

    /oh noes! another death threat!

    Well don’t forget that that his Lakota Sioux name is “He who fights with girls!”

    • m says:

      Not in his best interest. Prolly more like “he who fights like a girl”, lol! Well I don’t ~:)

      /killing it with the death threats tonight, what’s wrong with me?

      I’m sorry, Charles!

    • Poteen says:

      Well don’t forget that that his Lakota Sioux name is “He who fights with girls!”

      And loses!

    • Pakimon says:

      Really? I always thought Chunky’s Lakota Sioux name was “Dances With Cheetos”.

  87. haysoos says:

    while you gobble your peach flambe…
    consider this

  88. Hugh G. Rection says:

    fobdangerclose :

    Far be it from me to be attempting to fan Charles Johnson’s paranoia that would not be fair.

    He should know that I do not have the time or ability to register 15 or 20 socks every time he opens up the flood gates.

    Nope not me, now Iron Fist I could see him doing that or even Bagua or Beed etal.

    TFK your writing style is so recognizable I doubt you could ever get past his suspicious eyes.

  89. garycooper says:

    m :

    garycooper :
    I’m sorry, Charles.


    That one never gets old. 🙂

    Poor Sharmuta. Chick had issues.

    • Speranza says:

      Still at heart she is not a bad person and few of us (hopefully) holds any grudges. As I said, the past is past. I myself regret some of the things I posted abut her.

  90. haysoos says:

    Speranza :

    m :

    Lily :
    Oh boy did he use her. It was wrong on so many levels.

    Seriously, if I ever did run across him (highly unlikely being on the other side of the country and all) but if I did I promise you I would cuss him out just for the shit he did to her.
    /oh noes! another death threat!

    Well don’t forgetthat his Lakota Sioux name is “He who fights with girls!”

    heh…good one

  91. livefreeor die says:

    Wow-I didn’t recall having three comments blocked when I was at LGF.
    Those must have been the racist death threats that forced him to block my account.

  92. garycooper says:

    More speculation on Iceweasel’s true relationship with the Fat Man, please. Have they ever hooked-up? Is she somehow connected to Soros, as someone commented the other day? How did she get control over his brain, if neither of the above is true?

    Inquiring minds want to know. Also, is there really any evidence backing up the rumors of her erstwhile porn-career? ‘Cuz that’s some funny sheet, right there. 🙂

    • Daedalus says:

      Yes Iceweasal admitted it on another blog and Irish Rose outed her. She has never denied the porn actress rumor.

      • Lily says:

        She really is a ‘porn actress’. Seems fitting in some way.
        Well if any of you guys ever wanted to hook up with a porn actress…well this how they are. Makes you think twice now doesn’t it? 😎

      • P. Ness Lowell says:

        Do they make titanium condoms?

      • garycooper says:

        Lily :She really is a ‘porn actress’. Seems fitting in some way.Well if any of you guys ever wanted to hook up with a porn actress…well this how they are. Makes you think twice now doesn’t it?

        Somehow, I was never turned-on by the prospect of bagging a porn-gal. Not into hookers, either. Call me squeamish…

      • Lily says:

        Gary…very wise, very wise.

  93. BRC Engineer #5 says:

    Since 7PM EDT, DoD 221 comments, LGF 210.

  94. ChenZhen says:

    Background: at one time JWF and I were mortal enemies:


  95. Icewanker is his dealer, he got behind on his account, rather than knock him off she is slowly killing his blog as he trys to catch a few snorts or some home cooked meth.

  96. Runner says:

    Well, well, well. I just tried to logon to LGF for the first time in two or three years with my original nic from 2001 and got “this account blocked”. So I guess I am finally, officially, banned.

  97. livefreeor die says:

    How on earth is Chuck going to explain banning almost 16,000 people?
    Oh yeah:

    Death threats.
    Facist Nazis.
    Facist Creationists.
    Facist Nazi Creationists.
    Ordered Hunan food.
    Liked cheeseburgers.
    Liked Chuck.
    Used Breitbart’s photo as an avatar somewhere.
    Whitney Houston.
    And so on…

  98. Poteen says:

    haysoos :
    Irish Rose was a clinical lunatic

    Women like Irish Rose are why 4 million Irishmen left Ireland./

    • garycooper says:

      …and the rest of us swam across, with our women on our backs the whole way. Begorrah! No wonder we drink.

  99. Looks like a scatter gun approach.

    Sort of spray the blog registration list with “RoundUP” kind of deal.

  100. P. Ness Lowell says:

    Jeebers. He banned Ed, Ed, and Eddie:

    ed driscoll
    ed from dc
    ed from ohio
    ed mahmoud abu al kahoul
    ed mahmoud abu al qahool martyr brigades
    ed mahmoud’s sock puppet
    ed moran abu gomex aob 26.5c
    ed moran: abu gomex aoa 28c
    ed moran:abu aretha can’t lipsync
    ed moran:abu post nasal drip w/ sore throat
    eddie baby
    eddie- the aggravator

  101. Pig says:

    Sigh, when I got banned only one person defended me. And he didn’t really defend me…..just said something along the lines of “He’s right about that, though.” And I don’t even remember who it was. Hope he’s here now.

  102. Runner says:

    livefreeor die :
    Why whatever do you mean?
    Blink. Blink.

    There’s something in your eye.

  103. livefreeor die says:

    Chuck’s gotta be pissed right now. Usually he could calm down with a banning or two but that would just play even more into his banning stats. Guess he’ll just have to settle for beating up Dark Falcon in front of his ever dwindling audience.

  104. Daedalus says:

    fobdangerclose :

    Icewanker is his dealer, he got behind on his account, rather than knock him off she is slowly killing his blog as he trys to catch a few snorts or some home cooked meth.

    She runs that blog.

    • Speranza says:

      She (iceweasel) is the muscle there.

      • Claytonia Sibirica says:

        which concept still annoys me, because she accomplished nothing at all there except for lasting.

        She was a loyal Uncle Tom Liberal when it was a right-leaning blog, so I guess that gets props now.

      • m says:

        I agree with Clay. The place turned to shit way before ice showed up. I put it third quarter 07 and she was way after that but ymmv.

      • Lily says:

        Like I said above that medurea creature showed up way before the ice weazel…she was a piece of work.

  105. Just me free on the internet:

    Say you have an IT company.
    Say their contract comes up for renewal once a year.
    Say in the fine print there is a requirement they “register x number of sock puppets” for said company owner or their contract will not renew. As they have 600 employees who are IT types who can register socks for me on their smoke breaks.

    Neat idea uh?

    • livefreeor die says:

      “Wow, fellow lizards. This has been our most successful registration ever! 6,000 new hatchlings in the last hour. I’m going to tweet everyone about it!”

  106. P. Ness Lowell says:

    Here are all with over 1000 obliterated comments:

    annelid blocked 0 1514 -110 0 20-Jun-04
    rodan blocked 0 2120 360 55 11-Dec-07
    bigel blocked 0 3083 1 0 15-Jun-04
    savage_nation blocked 0 21274 2389 7 15-Jun-04
    rayra blocked 0 22776 -122 0 15-Jun-04
    iron fist blocked 0 26763 19803 12 15-Jun-04
    song_and_dance_man blocked 1 29665 6748 28 12-Sep-04
    taxfreekiller blocked 0 31666 16739 0 02-Nov-04
    american infidel blocked 0 31890 -1 0 16-Jul-04
    ploome hineni blocked 0 37797 5899 0 15-Jun-04
    buzzsawmonkey blocked 1 45062 70308 5 02-Feb-05

    Quite a few total obliterations of people with 20 and 30. Must be sox.

  107. ChenZhen says:

    If you look at the file, you’ll see that there’s a 1000/1000 club. That is, there are roughly 1000 blocked nics that have contributed 1000 or more comments to the archives. I’m in there at like #721.

  108. Daedalus says:

    Claytonia Sibirica :

    which concept still annoys me, because she accomplished nothing at all there except for lasting.

    She was a loyal Uncle Tom Liberal when it was a right-leaning blog, so I guess that gets props now.

    She help make it a Leftist blog. Charles brought her aboard to give him muscle for his shift to the Left.

    • Claytonia Sibirica says:

      that’s my whole thing, she didn’t really.

      All she did was play the good liberal to make the blog look evenhanded when it leaned right, she certainly didn’t make meaningful waves or stand up to people. She just played ‘internet chick’ and sucked up all the attention women tend to get on the ‘web. Then when the tide was turning and the blog was changing, THEN she decided to speak up and start really getting in peoples faces.

      (although I suppose playing snitch is some influence, I’ll grant you that)

      • Daedalus says:

        She only appeared a few months before LGF went Leftist. It was a plan. Charles brought her to get into fights with people he want banned. She would victim and he would ban her opponent. Bagua has the background story on the failed Porn actress.

        I always suspected Charles was not on the Right. I felt he was a Lefty pretending to be a Right for blog traffic. There was something fake about Charles.

      • Claytonia Sibirica says:

        I think you’re mistaken about that, though (about J that is), he just got his mind seriously twisted around from its normal position by 9/11.

        What you’re seeing now is closer to what he really thinks than in the old days.

        Less scheming more hysterical and easily swayed.


        About Ice I don’t know the exact timing, it depends on when you count it as going left. The thing I always noticed is she only really started speaking up and making serious waves after other people had proved it was ‘safe’.

        PS: A plan? You think he some how knew her and brought her in as some kind of blog assassin? Too much credit being given there :p

    • jd says:

      If you were to read a year before the turn you would read KT lamenting some of his close friends on the blog were destined to move on. Foreshadowing of the grapevine between him and Charles and a few others. It was pre meditated.

      You would also read that Charles didn’t care if 95 percent of the people left his blog as long as he retained his fascist morals.

      Then you could watch posters get focused on and held to Animal Farm standards. Any person who wanted to think well and grow in health left eventually.

  109. P. Ness Lowell says:

    black george bush blocked 3965 0 340 0 13-May-05 9:43 AM


  110. ThreeHundred says:

    This is terrific forensic research work. Congrats BRC!

  111. odd , Realwest shows 85,000 or so comments he is not on the list above?

  112. joecitizen says:

    ChenZhen, as The Minotaur :
    Indeed, Sharmuta’s last comment was Jan ’10, but she is amongst the 10K who were banned since last March.

    Late to the thread and it’s probably been said that this is a real strong clue that these bannings were done in batches. In some kind of weird, hypersexual way I can’t really see knuckleheadjohnson (sounds like a blues cat, eh?) deliberately and consciously banning Sharmuta.

  113. ? who of the banned had the highest negative karma??

    • ChenZhen says:

      I normally don’t respond to you TFK, and despite the fact that the answer lies before you in the spreadsheet file that we posted for everyone, it is a good question, so I shall answer anyway…


      stretch blocked 299 0 -2044 0 13-Mar-08 7:18 PM

      • jd says:

        I bet stretch was a late night creationist.

      • Claytonia Sibirica says:

        MandyManners posted a LOT by the way, like geeze.

        Positive karma-to-ban is interesting too, being a ‘personality’ seems to be more important to karma than the content of your posts.

  114. So I wonder how many “members” does CJ boast about having?
    xx,xxx? Or xxx,xxx?
    Wouldn’t this be equivalent to a dictator pointing towards the mass graves and claiming that those are his people?

  115. Daedalus says:

    Claytonia Sibirica :

    I think you’re mistaken about that, though (about J that is), he just got his mind seriously twisted around from its normal position by 9/11.

    What you’re seeing now is closer to what he really thinks than in the old days.

    Less scheming more hysterical and easily swayed.


    About Ice I don’t know the exact timing, it depends on when you count it as going left. The thing I always noticed is she only really started speaking up and making serious waves after other people had proved it was ‘safe’.

    PS: A plan? You think he some how knew her and brought her in as some kind of blog assassin? Too much credit being given there :p

    Ask Bagua about Iceweasal. He can give you the back story.

  116. garycooper says:

    Surprised he didn’t delete the comments from Atlasshrugged, aka Pam Geller. His rage at being straight-armed by her resonates to this very day. She was a very active poster, and very strongly-opinionated, as you would expect from her current internet and offternet personas. I had a couple of run-ins with her myself, especially regarding Schiavo.

    Chunky’s approach to Pam at the meet-up, from which we have seen pictures, went a lot like the following according to sworn-at witnesses:

    • garycooper says:

      This dramatic re-enactment of the fateful meeting between Pam and her “blogfather” is longer and more better:

  117. Zappa Would Be Vomiting says:

    Just checked …

    Not all my socks are banned…


    Great work BRC

  118. joecitizen says:

    haysoos :
    Irish Rose was a clinical lunatic

    No, I always kinda dug Irish Rose. I keed, I keed!

  119. Calo says:

    Claytonia Sibirica :
    I think you’re mistaken about that, though (about J that is), he just got his mind seriously twisted around from its normal position by 9/11.
    What you’re seeing now is closer to what he really thinks than in the old days.
    Less scheming more hysterical and easily swayed.
    About Ice I don’t know the exact timing, it depends on when you count it as going left. The thing I always noticed is she only really started speaking up and making serious waves after other people had proved it was ‘safe’.
    PS: A plan? You think he some how knew her and brought her in as some kind of blog assassin? Too much credit being given there :p

    jimmah-ice productions paid agitators

    • Claytonia Sibirica says:


    • Claytonia Sibirica says:

      actually belay that comment, I’m substantially too fatigued right now to wrap my head around talking about that, ‘ll get myself in trouble :p

      • garycooper says:

        Guess you didn’t know jack about Iceweasel after all, Clay. And here you were sounding so sure of yourself…well, you can’t be right all of the time. At least you know your shit regarding global warming. Like Chunky and Ludwig, you’re an expert on that.

      • Claytonia Sibirica says:

        I know what I’ve observed. What I observed is (if you’ll forgive the pun) a pussy that talked big.

        People get crazy about LGF related things and say all kinds of insane shit, but I’m witholding judgement until I’m in a better state to look at it.

    • Lily says:

      Paid agitators? Really now why would cj pay someone to do that?
      I believe it. I really do because he was a leftist before 9/11.
      That just makes cj more pathetic.
      Hey {Calo}!

      • Claytonia Sibirica says:

        if you’re using the youtube channel down below as evidence… I don’t quite know what to say, but adjust the gain on your set, there’s something not quite getting through.

  120. Pig says:

    I just found the thread where I was banned…..now I can’t blame him for banning me ’cause I insulted him to his face (by pointing out the truth after he insuted me) but now I can’t find the post where someone stood up for me, or at least for my post. But that isn’t particularly surprising because the thread in question is chock full of deleted posts. I don’t think that used to be the case.

    Reading old threads on his blog must be a real revelation these days.

    • Pig says:

      A cool project for the BRC would be to find which thread has the highest percentage of deleted posts. Eventually there is going to be a thread with hundreds of replies, all deleted.

  121. garycooper says:

    Very interesting…


    He did get co-opted, dint he?

    • Calo says:

      Heh, straight from their utube page if you click “about” on the right side of the page

      Created by
      Latest Activity
      Nov 6, 2011
      Date Joined
      Sep 23, 2009
      About this user
      Jimmah-Ice Productions is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Progressive Attack Machine, specialising in tormenting wingnuts and the butthurt.
      Citizens of the World
      Professional Provocateurs, Paid Agitators, Wingnut Debunkers, Community Organisers, Gentleman Explorers, and small bets placed.
      We keep the worst possible.
      Debauchery; Mockery; Oversleeping

  122. nbpundit says:

    Those banning dates are wrong. The first purge took place after hurricanes Katrina
    and Rita. It started with a group getting together to help folks in Louisiana.
    There’s a dead fish stinking up those numbers. Rayra, was still posting ATS at
    that time as well as Mike C, quark2, sarahd….etc..

    • ChenZhen says:

      I know you hate my guts, but if you’re referring to the dates that are listed in the spreadsheet, those are registration dates.

      When CJ swings the ban stick, he doesn’t record it on his site. Therefore, we really don’t have banning dates for anyone.

      • nbpundit says:

        Excuse me Chen, I don’t waste my time hating nics.
        As to the way the blocking list is made up, it reads like the
        banning happened on the date after the nic.

      • ChenZhen says:

        hmm..OK well..just so everyone knows..under the column that says “reg. date” is the date that refers to the username’s “registration date”. As in, the date that CJ recorded the username being registered on his site, as visible on the user profile page that we made a point of mentioning as the source of the info we were gathering.

  123. Zimriel says:

    Here’s a batch of ex-lizards:

    zionist crusader

    But don’t call him anti-Israel

  124. Old Dog says:

    Found my nick over there had been banned after I quit using it! Duh, guess the pecker head does watch where people post!

    What a douche!

  125. Then too, cj may have blocked some of his own socks after he got tired of exchangeing post with them.

    Not much chance of him letting us know about that unless he sells the back up tapes or the server access later for the cheeto fund.

  126. Ya some one ask him on twitter , “How much for a set of the back up tapes?”

  127. Kirls says:

    holy frijoles! that IS an extinction level event! heh

    and regarding how you mentioned me and my blog…aw shucks. 🙂

  128. Daedalus says:

    nbpundit :

    Those banning dates are wrong. The first purge took place after hurricanes Katrina
    and Rita. It started with a group getting together to help folks in Louisiana.
    There’s a dead fish stinking up those numbers. Rayra, was still posting ATS at
    that time as well as Mike C, quark2, sarahd….etc..

    Night of the Long Knives?

  129. joecitizen says:

    My prediction is that lgf will cease to exist on Dec. 21st, 2012.

  130. Zimriel says:

    Another interesting point going on is that karma has been dropping for those of us bannees. I recall my karma being around 5000 when I left – not all that high (less than 2 per comment), but certainly not the 2517 it is on the sheet.

    File under “Bronstein, Lev (1930s)”

    • ChenZhen says:

      It was 2517 when we checked it a year ago, too.

      • Zimriel says:

        Thanks for that fact-check. I melted-down (not flounced) in June ’09.

        Thinking back on it, my memory must be faulty. Retroactive downdings did happen, but I wasn’t important enough to pick up 2500 of those.

  131. garycooper says:

    I don’t think the worst prognostications regarding the massive San Andreas Fault slip-into-the-ocean approach the carnage laid on his own blog by the Fat Man. He really flushed it!

    There’s no coming back from this, Chunky. You might as well find another line of “work,” unless you have funds you can live off until the much-besieged-by-visceral-fat-and-sloth heart of yours gives out…DEATH THREAT!!1! WOOT-WOOT-WOOT!!

    Go drink a bottle of ur own pee, and relax. Yes, it’s sterile and you likes the taste.

  132. Zappa Would Be Vomiting says:

    Chuck isn’t left, Right or Centrist.

    He is opportunist.

    Any change in real tone is that he is now desperate opportunist.

    When his blog got hits after 9/11 he went with it. the numbers show he kept his mouth shut and hosted the site. He was empowered by RatherGate and simply wanted to reshape the blog so he’d be more acceptable as a media-known blogger.

    When that failed and Obama got in he changed sides like changing socks. Chuck was never on the social conservative side but he had plenty of posts re: Sowell et al that placed him in the economic freedom camp. Turned it off like a light switch.

    Now that he is trying to make a living on the left he has nothing to fall back on – nobody hires a freelance webjockey to put up a wordpress site anymore.

    Sad, but Chuck is quick to condemn anyone who expresses an opinion he is stoking fear of so he gets no sympathy.

    • garycooper says:

      I think you’re wildly underestimating the vigor, nay, venom with which he promoted his post 9/11, pre-Obama-inauguration assumed staunch-conservatism and anti-Islamofascist war of words. He was positively, solidly in the camp of the Right, and on GWB’s side all the way. His conversion was so sudden and bizarre, when he decided to leave the Right and throw in with the Left, most people who’d been observing him closely were convinced he’d suffered a mental breakdown. Maybe a closed-head injury, falling off his bike. It was damn weird.

      • Zappa Would Be Vomiting says:

        But he wasn’t on board on Schiavo and that stuff.

        He was pro-war and seemed to be pro-market. A sort of post Liberal who went libertarian.

        Really, though, I think he was content to simply host this huge community and collect rent. Then the CAIR inspired FBI calls and he is starting to think up ways to moderate with robots.

        I just don’t get the total switch unless he simply isn’t really committed even though he seemed then and does now. “Awakening” is bullshit because he has no capacity to allow others to not agree with him which, at least in my life, “awakened” people do.

  133. Bagua says:

    garycooper :
    More speculation on Iceweasel’s true relationship with the Fat Man, please. Have they ever hooked-up? Is she somehow connected to Soros, as someone commented the other day? How did she get control over his brain, if neither of the above is true?
    Inquiring minds want to know. Also, is there really any evidence backing up the rumors of her erstwhile porn-career? ‘Cuz that’s some funny sheet, right there.


    • garycooper says:

      So, JimmahIce are paid-agitators, but paid by Soros? How do we know this? Have they ever boasted about their connection to the crafty old wizard? Sorry, but my curiousity is really stoked now.

      • Bagua says:

        Not paid agitators, rather Iceweasel was a family tutor. Yes she boasted about this.

      • garycooper says:

        Bagua :Not paid agitators, rather Iceweasel was a family tutor. Yes she boasted about this.

        Soros hired a porn-actress as a family tutor…and then she helped destroy Little Green Footballs, from within. 😆

        Damn it , Breitbart. We need you now!

      • Bagua says:

        Grandkid’s tutor, so hired by one of his children. They often joked about their Soros Lair.

        435 J1mmah Fri, Jun 10, 2011 3:40:22am

        Good morning from the seekrit soros lair in Scotland! hope everyone is well today.

        I’m looking at memeorandum and it’s still nothing but weiner. Weiner all the time.

        101 J1mmah Sun, Feb 21, 2010 12:40:40am

        Oh me too– actually, Jimmah and I made a lot of domestic improvements to the seekrit Scottish Soros Lair while I was there. The main one we want to make (but won’t do until I get the spousal visa) is a new stove (aka ‘cooker’). Gas all the way, baby. I’m no kind of cook but I really can’t cook on electric because I can’t control or see the temp as well. Feh on electric!

        On the off chance my visa is refused i don’t want to have already installed a new gas stove in the kitchen, as we’d need that money for a) legal fight and b) alternative living situation for however long.

        It really is the first thing we’re doing when approved. Well, ok, the second.

        317 J1mmah Sun, May 2, 2010 8:03:46am

        Jimmah’s here in nyc with me now, and the goal is for us not to have to be separated again. Hopefully I’ll get my spousal visa soon, which will let us return to Scotland together.

        The plan is for the seekrit joint Soros lair to be permanently based in Scotland, but being transnational progressives and all we have a few other seekrit locales as backup. 😉

        The tutoring claim was made through private emails. Whoops!

        Probably shouldn’t have later stabbed people in the back and slandered them after revealing personal details.

        (I’ve left much of the personal stuff out, no need to be mean)

      • garycooper says:

        Lots of fun tidbits to think about there, Bagua. Thanks!

  134. nbpundit says:

    I used to read all the early threads, of which many were empty of any comments.
    He railed about how he hated Bush pre 9/11.

  135. Zappa Would Be Vomiting says:

    So seeing as I was class of 04 and I got blocked somewhere in the last 10 months I guess I got explicitly banned if I understand the analysis correctly.

  136. danrudy says:

    Sharmutta was a malicious bitch. I shed no tears when the tables were turned on her….

    BTW…what was the first day registration became available on LGF….was it instituted in June of 04…I perused the list and it almost seems like I registered on the first day available but I cannot be certain…does anyone know>

    • yes the first day CJ instituted registration was 6/15/04, and our info shows that you registered on that date (at 11:46 AM, to be precise). Congrats, you were one of the originals.

    • Zappa Would Be Vomiting says:

      I am checking and ran into this name:

      steven den beste blocked 129 0 10 0 16-Oct-05 1:29 PM

      Anyways, 20-Jun-04 has registrations

    • Zappa Would Be Vomiting says:

      10 earliest registrants on the banned list:

      judith blocked 4272 2 196 0 15-Jun-04 10:21 AM
      throbert mcgee blocked 4773 0 2020 22 15-Jun-04 10:24 AM
      colt blocked 15124 1 25 0 15-Jun-04 10:25 AM
      socaljustice blocked 9040 0 0 0 15-Jun-04 10:33 AM
      militarybrat blocked 1253 0 0 0 15-Jun-04 10:35 AM
      iagofest a.k.a. abu fly killa blocked 251 0 8 0 15-Jun-04 10:38 AM
      jimmytheclaw blocked 3730 7 473 1 15-Jun-04 10:40 AM
      m12edit blocked 464 0 -5 0 15-Jun-04 10:40 AM
      mofd blocked 4 0 0 0 15-Jun-04 10:40 AM

  137. Abu Bin Squid says:

    I’m still blocked from LGF, so I’m in great company. Pony-tailed asswipes need not apply.

    /I wanted to flounce but got banned for updinging someone to the right of Elenor Clift

    You suck, Cheetos Charles! *flips both birds*

  138. Daedalus says:

    Pakimon :

    I’m confused.

    I thought Kilgore Trout was pretty much regarded with complete contempt around here for his planting of “over the top” vile comments on various blogs to make everyone think those blogs were populated with racists.

    Now all of a sudden he’s “a good guy”?

    What am I missing?

    I hate Killgore Trout. He’s a bigot and a smear merchant.

  139. Stonemason says:

    Claytonia Sibirica :
    which concept still annoys me, because she accomplished nothing at all there except for lasting.
    She was a loyal Uncle Tom Liberal when it was a right-leaning blog, so I guess that gets props now.

    She banned me. Charles was nowhere to be found that night, she deleted my direct comment to her, then my reply to her deletion and banned me. In a dead thread no less. The funny thing is, I didn’t add: “…sideways. Bitch.” If I had, I might still be there I guess.

    • garycooper says:

      Very similar to what happened to me, only Ludwig was the one who banned me. If those two had banning-powers, and were both part of Chunky’s Secret Circle Of Trust, how funny it is to recall their eventual falling-out and war of bitch-words. Palace intrigue, in the basement bunker…

  140. Daedalus says:

    garycooper :

    I think you’re wildly underestimating the vigor, nay, venom with which he promoted his post 9/11, pre-Obama-inauguration assumed staunch-conservatism and anti-Islamofascist war of words. He was positively, solidly in the camp of the Right, and on GWB’s side all the way. His conversion was so sudden and bizarre, when he decided to leave the Right and throw in with the Left, most people who’d been observing him closely were convinced he’d suffered a mental breakdown. Maybe a closed-head injury, falling off his bike. It was damn weird.

    He had a nervous breakdown.

    • garycooper says:

      As a proud holder of a Degree in Psychology (and one in English Lit), I can tell you that the term “nervous breakdown” has no real meaning from a medical standpoint. It’s a catch-all term, that can cover a LOT of bases. Of course, I could have just googled that info, and skipped all the tuition and testing and stuff, but we used to think that whole college-thing was important, back in the 20th Century.

  141. garycooper says:

    Ice said she and Jimmah been building themselves a stunning secret lair, from which to conduct their sinister worldwide operations. Looks like something she made in one of those virtual reality second life games. 🙄


    • Pakimon says:

      I suspect that the reality of Asswhistle”s and Jimmahny Cricket”s life is a lot less “glamorous” then the fantasy they’re trying to pass off to the gullible sycophants of The Bog.

      It’s been my experience that when people “toot their own horns” and boast about their “connections” and their “lavish lifestyle”, it turns out to be bullshit.

      Most likely the dynamic duo are living in a small “flat” and toiling at humdrum jobs to get by while foisting their fantasy life onto the more naive denizens of the Interweb so they can feel better about themselves and their humble existence.

      • garycooper says:

        I would bet heavily that you are right about these characters. Especially after seeing her imaginary lair. 😆

  142. Nomad says:

    One thing occurred to me about the classes of 2007 and 2008 having an especially high ban rate. These were the last years, IIRC, that CJ could be said to be on the conservative side. That could mean that the newbies were still mostly of the right, but I don’t know if that means much.

    • dwells38 says:

      This is what I think. He targeted the dormants as potential enemies and mockers because he recognized their failure to join the community was becaue they either 1) were turned off conservatives (which he hates) or 2) just socks of previously banned (which he hates more).

      Just think if he’d thought of a way for everyone to stay and get along regardless of his own political bent. Could’ve been great times. But he rolls with the mean streak, the insults, the banning/blocks and the need for conformity.

      Makes for a great ego self-stroke. Successful blog? Not s’much.

  143. Bagua says:

    Santorum wins Mississippi and Alabama.

  144. Stonemason says:

    In perusing that list I finally understand a comment by the asshole when he banned my sock. I picked a kick out of thin air, created a gmail, and posted. Was banned (didn’t leave enough time, he figured out it was me, then, after I was banned of course, told everyone he banned my other sock too. I had no other sock so I am now officially apologizing to DJames for getting you banned.

    • Iron Fist says:

      Island Libertarian was bannd as my “sock”, and I know that Charles knew that simply wasn’t so. It was just a convenient excuse to get rid of another coservative voice. Which is fine. Really, if you look at what Charles has done, he pissed away maybe a million dollar oppertunity to switch sides the way he did. Now his site is worthless. I doubt his ad revenue covers his hosting fees.

  145. King Minos says:

    Charles, we are NOT DONE with you, you worthless toad.

  146. Daedalus says:

    King Minos :

    Charles, we are NOT DONE with you, you worthless toad.

    Jazzy X has a bad few days. My post busting him being an apologist for Louis Farrakhan. Oliver Willis giving him a smackdown. Now Chen and the BRC’s showing the amount of banned nicks at LGF. He’s really hurting and I am enjoying this!

  147. nbpundit says:

    Charles was never a conservative. He was never on the right. He just happened
    to be online at the right time to exploit 9/11. He ran with it. I think the reason
    he rarely posted in the beginning after the attack, he was afraid he’d give himself
    away. I bet he puked regularly having to read the comments we left. Or maybe at first
    he didn’t really read them to keep from puking.

    • garycooper says:

      Nope, he was a wingnut, at least for a long period there. If he was faking it, he must have hired writers to put out all those right-wing, anti-Islamist posts. Probably paid some local kid to take the photos, too. 😉

    • dwells38 says:

      I dunno. He was a pretty dedicated anti-Jihadist and anti-(left)Idiotarian. There was so much more passion and guts in his responses back then. I don’t see it now. I think he’s having a hard time swalling left-wing swill especially when they show they still hate him because of all his insults.

  148. ChenZhen says:

    I’m gonna toss a late-night theory out there, based on a few things…It’s possible that the mass-banning was a knee-jerk response to our aforementioned thread last month about the “banning level” where we threw CJ’s own words back at him and challenged him to provide a current figure.

    Now, if I were CJ (i.e. a completely arrogant jackass), I would have responded by pretending to ignore the challenge, while banning countless scores of account holders as a “betcha can’t figure this out” spite move, assuming that my opponent wouldn’t have the wherewithal to catch it.


  149. WalkedAway says:

    The Osprey :
    I thought Sharmuta was there much earlier than 2007…or was it under a different NIC?

    I’m very late to the thread, so I am hoping someone has mentioned that Sharmuta had several names. I’m thinking “W-Lover” was one. Quite sure there were others, but can’t recall right now.

  150. lordnazh says:

    Yay two of my accounts are finally on the list (me and a sock); I hope the sock was useful as long as it lasted though 😦

  151. Moe Katz says:

    Well that sort of answers a question I had in the back of my mind: the BRC’s statistics have no way of excluding detected socks, even those with a half life measured in minutes. That could be a real wild card in interpreting the figures meaningfully.

    • Engineer #5 says:

      What doesn’t need interpretation though is that CJ has now blocked the posters of more than 6.6 million of LGF’s 9 million comments.

  152. Bunk X says:

    BTW– This is the first time DoD has broken over 400 comments on a single thread.
    Busiest day: 24 Jan 11 7,359 views
    13 Mar 12 – 3,653 views, 1,057 for “genocide.”
    14 Mar 12 – 502 views and counting, 259 for “genocide.”
    1,659,487 views to date
    124,096 comments to date
    Not bad for a blog with only one purpose: to laugh at and mock the hypocrisy of a fat man with a jazzy magical ponytail who picks fights with girls.

  153. Bunk X says:

    To Baltimore… and beyond!


  154. ThreeHundred says:

    This thread could also be titled “Census of the Land of The Island of Misfit Toys”.

  155. CroMagnon says:

    Bunk X :

    Anyone else notice that @LIzardoid stopped tweeting at 7PM EDT? Nah, just a coincidence. diaryofdaedalus.com/2012/03/13/lgf… @ChenZhen @rsmccain #LGF #LOL—   (@Gus_807) March 13, 2012

    Heh, seems he did indeed stop right about after this thread came up:

    Great work, BRC!

  156. Pakimon says:

    I’ve noticed that Sharmuta has been mentioned repeatedly throughout this thread so here’s a link that pretty much encapsulates the her entire saga for any newcomers that aren’t familiar with the story.

    “I Was a Musician’s Girl”, or “Sharmuta Gets a Life?”

    • garycooper says:

      She had a crap-load of comments as W-Lover, too. Were any of her other nics as prolific?
      You guys that are friends with her should invite her over here. I think she’d get a chuckle or two. Maybe a jab here and there. 😉

      • m says:

        I think it would be cool if she did. I also think she owes at least a blanket apology to her former friends that she shit on to make the johnson happy.

  157. rain of lead says:

    rain of lead blocked 1796 2 817 10 17-Jan-05 5:51 AM


    wow 1796 comments
    didn’t know I was so chatty 🙂

  158. OldLineTexan says:

    haysoos :
    for the record….
    Sharmuta was a very sweet, sensitive, bright woman….just a joy to post with….she was very gentile natured, a devout Catholic and one hell of a nice person….anybody that says otherwise is either ignorant or a liar

    I’ll be both if you like, but they taught me to read when I was young and it was all there in print. She had serious issues and it showed in spades.

  159. Formerly Hhar says:

    Note: I posted there as Hhar. I got tired of the groupthink and syncophancy, and blocked myself by changing my password into a random series of characters.

    I didn’t (and don’t) really care about the bannings much: its CJ’s site, he can run it as he likes. But the syncophancy, and CJ’s encouragement of it, is really creepy.

    Not that Rodan doesn’t creep me out a bit too, frankly. But LGF is a straightforward loss.

    • ChenZhen says:

      hhar blocked 1442 1 -129 3 16-Jun-04 4:03 AM

      • Formerly Hhar says:

        That’s right. I wasn’t actually blocked. I left, and quietly too. That’s why I posted: I was surprised to see my nic on the list here.

        I suppose I could have been blocked posthumously. Wouldn’t surprise me: there are not a lot of the pre-2004 vintage folks left posting there….But you might want to double check on whether or not I was blocked, because if I was, it was after I blocked myself.

      • ChenZhen says:

        You were on last years’ blocked list too…so it’s tough to say when CJ blocked your account.

        But like I said in the thread, he was obviously banning the quiet folks too.

    • Arachne says:

      I wouldn’t have given a crap either, if he didn’t smear people after he banned them and let his minions pile on and do likewise, but the object couldn’t rebut. Especially true of calling Iron Fist a racist. That totally pissed me off. He called people racists, extremists and other choice names and they had no opportunity to respond. Which is why a lot of them came here and to the Mother Ship over at Blogmoc

      Well, he was the one who told us all to get our own blogs, after all….

  160. Juan Epstein says:

    Didn’t know I was blocked.

  161. Daedalus says:

    garycooper :

    She had a crap-load of comments as W-Lover, too. Were any of her other nics as prolific?
    You guys that are friends with her should invite her over here. I think she’d get a chuckle or two. Maybe a jab here and there. ;)

  162. haysoos says:

    I should not have posted that because I am only familiar with her relation to me and little else…I don’t know as much as it sounded like…still, I liked her, but I like almost everyone regardless of what they post…or try to

    • OldLineTexan says:

      Dear old Shar piled on me a few times during the original zombie groupthink epidemic. No love lost there at all, I’m afraid.

      Personally? Since 2006 to present I have been dealing with a family situationn that includes addiction, codependency, personality swings, and what amounts to mental illness. Anyone that escapes that kind of shit and improves their life has my blessings and best wishes. I just don’t need to “see” them again. It’s a character flaw of mine.

      Now Stalker Charles is a different animal altogether. He smeared me, he smeared my friends, and he did so in his little protected arena like a coward. I seriously enjoy the lulz his asscapades have created (and the amazing people here who make sure I see them, LOL), and I don’t mind being an asshole about it, either.

    • OldLineTexan says:

      BTW, dude, this is DoD … post away, from what I understand the groupthink here is much more nuanced than over at the Bog … 😉

      BTW, if you have any post-apocalyptic homoerotic cowboy pr0n stories, they are ESPECIALLY appreciated here.


    • m says:

      I think it was cool that you defended her. There was a time when I would have done the same thing. I even laughed at the “sore loser” comment since I helped turn lgf2 from lgfsucks into theBlogmocracy which is the spinoff blog that spun the very spinoff blog we are all enjoying right now. (*get your own blog!* just didn’t work out like he wanted)


      I think that even Sharmie would admit that I was right if she’s honest about it. And I do regret some things I posted about her – now – even though it was all true.

      I still blame charles though.

  163. haysoos says:

    haysoos :
    I should not have posted that because I am only familiar with her relation to me and little else…I don’t know as much as it sounded like…still, I liked her, but I like almost everyone regardless of what they post…or try to

    whoops…my response to Old Line Texan up thread a bit

  164. Lily says:

    He could be the first to ever suffer from it .

    a rare condition that has never been seen before until the advent of the blogs on the internet.
    The additive need to erase, ban, block or murder nic’s in cyberspace.
    Apparently the color green, hamsters, the term lizards, the need to put up lousy jazz youtube video’s, and posting pictures of tankers, rusted hinges, and flowers helps forment this rare condition. Also having no outside contact other than by phone or e-mails makes it worse.
    A patient exhibiting these signs would surely be a danger to society if they were to leave their house. But thankfully having this condition prevents one from leaving the house.
    In the more acute form of this condition, drinking mountian dew, eating cheetos and the mere mention of cheeseburgers sends them into a ‘blocking and banning’ frenzy.
    Tragically there is no cure and since they haven’t actually ‘erased’ an actual person they haven’t committed a crime other than to themselves. Extreme mocking, finger pointing and refuting of their lies seems to keep them in some kind of check, but in the end they will continue to spiral out of reality and exhibit magical ponytail thinking.

  165. Athos says:

    Last time the spreadsheet was posted, I wasn’t on the blocked list. I just refused to post / visit since early 2009 given what was going on. Now, I’m blocked….couldn’t even flounce or hit 10K comments…lulz

    Registered 15 June 2004 3:41pm

    Wonder if it was because of my own blog – or making comments supporting bloggers calling out CJ’s hypocrisy that hurt his feelings?

  166. beed says:

    400+ comments?


  167. I feel a sense of pride in that my name is on that list. I didn’t flounce, nor did I ever discover that I had been banned. I simply stopped attending his site and quit commenting. I guess that was enough for Charlie.

    On a more personal note, some time in 2006, I told a friend of mine that LGF was a good site to check out. I am pissed still, because there is no way to go back in time to untell that friend. I gave my name to this ass hat in reference. Those of us who give referrals usually feel that the value of our opinions are worth more when we take steps to protect that value. I once referred Charles Johnson, and now feel ashamed that I have done so.

    • Pakimon says:

      It’s nothing to be ashamed of.

      Back in 2006, if someone had predicted that Charles would go completely “off the rails” and destroy his blog, nobody would have believed it.

  168. WalkedAway says:

    Class of 2005 here. I blocked you before you blocked me, Chuck. Right about the time you kicked Buzzsawmonkey and told OccasionalReader where he wasn’t allowed to read and post. That was just the limit for me. I should have left much, much sooner.