“Listen to me or else I’ll stop you from listening to me.” – Charles Johnson, Mastodon Warrior

*sounds of little stampy feets*

36 Comments on ““Listen to me or else I’ll stop you from listening to me.” – Charles Johnson, Mastodon Warrior”

  1. rightymouse says:

    Well, we all know that Fatso is very sensitive about anyone who doesn’t accept his “true” transition from Republican to Democrat when Obama was elected. He thought he was so popular that he would make a fortune. How’s your money train going now, a-hole?? 🤣🤣

    • Bunk Strutts says:

      He was ALWAYS a liberal: he wore a mask from 2001 to 2008. He could have made a fortune had he left things alone and not tried to become a poor man’s HuffPo.

      • rightymouse says:

        He was able to fake being a Republican for quite a while. I remember signing up for LGF @2005. Had watched the blog for a while.

      • poteen2 says:

        He was always an idiot. LGF was the right side version of Ariana Huffington’s blog. She was a better business woman than Charlie.
        She made what? 300 million from Huffpo, on top of what she made from divorcing her gay Republican bajillionaire husband.
        The blog was his toy. Other people playing with his toy could have made him a fortune. Instead he took his toy and went home. (And Mike Huffington wasn’t interested in him.) 🙂

        • rightymouse says:

          Well, he was definitely an idiot when he trashed LGF after Obama was elected. I really do believe to this day that he thought he would reap the financial rewards. I remember him being rather jealous of Markos Moulitsas at Daily Kos. 😂

          • poteen2 says:

            Maybe so. It was dumb to think there was lots of money in blogging. Huffington was smart when she sold out. So was Michelle Malkin. Left or right, if you got big enough media corps were buying you up. Then the control was theirs. Most bloggers didn’t get big enough. Now they all beg for donations like Wiki.
            LGF, Hot Air and Huffpo did get big. The leftover hippie missed his chance. His obsessive control destroyed what was left. Despite what he thinks of his own blog fu, he’s pretty dense.
            Independent sites like Ace and such are still humming along but their reach and expansion are limited.
            Now, blogs are like assholes and opinions, everybody has them.

          • rightymouse says:

            I enjoy Instapundit. 😃

          • Bunk Strutts says:

            Breitbart’s Big Journalism was booming and he’d already set up the spinoffs before he died. Jim Hoft didn’t have a problem expanding his reach either. Chuck castrated LGF.

          • poteen2 says:

            Fitting analogy. I see what you did there.

  2. rightymouse says:

    Tragic that parents have to go through this. 😣

  3. Bunk Strutts says:

    For those who remember the Aaron Worthing / Brett Kimberlin Saga, Stacy McCain reports that John Hoge has died.

    John Hoge, R.I.P.

  4. poteen2 says:

    I saw that. It’s sad. Watching Hoge make Kimberlin dance was fun but I really liked his NASA posts. Going to miss that.

  5. rightymouse says:

  6. rightymouse says:

  7. rightymouse says:

    This is interesting!! 🤔

  8. rightymouse says:

    FJB!! 😡

  9. rightymouse says:

  10. rightymouse says:

    • rightymouse says:

  11. rightymouse says:

    Biden lies? Really? 😂

  12. rightymouse says:

    Get the F out of this country, bitches!!!😡

  13. rightymouse says:

    I have heard some pretty crazy stuff from liberals, but this is the loopiest. Yikes!😮🤔

  14. rightymouse says:

    I hope everyone is ready for Xmas!!! Hubby is conducting tonight, tomorrow night and twice on Sunday. 🤩

  15. rightymouse says:

    LMAO!! 😂😂

  16. rightymouse says:

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaack!! 🤨😟
    Betcha that Fatso has no problem with this crap.

  17. rightymouse says:


  18. rightymouse says:

    There’s hope for humanity. 😊