A Babbling Johnson

91 Comments on “A Babbling Johnson”

  1. rightymouse says:

    Fatso is still an idiot. And a loser.

  2. rightymouse says:

    I despise Fauci for his Covid BS. 🤨

    • rightymouse says:

  3. rightymouse says:

    For Bunk. 😁

  4. rightymouse says:

    Cats are assholes. 😂 I think ISTE should try putting GoPros on his cats.

  5. rightymouse says:

  6. rightymouse says:

    • rightymouse says:

    • Bunk Strutts says:

      Very nice, but I’d have liked to hear Garland’s response.

  7. rightymouse says:

  8. rightymouse says:

    I hope she dismisses the case against Trump.

  9. rightymouse says:

    Cats and penguins must have similar DNA. 🤔🤨

  10. rightymouse says:

    Was he pooping/farting? Or trying to sit down on a non-existent seat?

    • rightymouse says:

      Yikes!! 🤔🙄😮

    • rightymouse says:

      Apparently, there were chairs there, but Biden had no idea what he was supposed to do when they first arrived on the stage. I suspect Jill whispered instructions to him when she put her hand over her mouth.
      [video src="https://videos.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2024/06/06/2160249208418975441/640x360_MP4_2160249208418975441.mp4" /]

  11. rightymouse says:

  12. rightymouse says:

  13. rightymouse says:

  14. rightymouse says:

  15. rightymouse says:

    Nothing will happen to these spoiled brats for their disgusting vandalism.

  16. rightymouse says:

  17. rightymouse says:

    Insanity on display. 😡

  18. rightymouse says:

    • rightymouse says:

  19. poteen2 says:

    Hunter Biden’s trial has gone to jury. If, a big if, he’s convicted Joe says he won’t pardon him. I believe he won’t.
    Fightin’ Joe will be so crushed that he will resign and Kamala of the calloused knees will do it. Solves two problems for the democrats and leaves them with one new one. President Kammy BJ.
    The USA has had high points and low ones but this is becoming fkn stupid.
    Politics, the Justice System and Media have become the Jerry Springer Show.

  20. Bunk Strutts says:

    Don’t know what this is all about yet.

  21. rightymouse says:

  22. rightymouse says:

  23. rightymouse says:

  24. rightymouse says:

    Consequences of liberal insanity.

  25. rightymouse says:

    I lol’d! 😂😂

  26. rightymouse says:

  27. ISTE says:

    Last month….

  28. ISTE says:


  29. rightymouse says:


  30. rightymouse says:

    Biden is lost in space. 🙄🤔😬

  31. rightymouse says:

    For Bunk.

  32. rightymouse says:

  33. rightymouse says:

    Happy Father’s Day!!!

    • rightymouse says:

  34. rightymouse says:

    Let ‘s kill this blog. It’s dead.

  35. rightymouse says:

  36. rightymouse says:

    Wut? 😵😬

  37. rightymouse says:

    This Xtweet is a few months old but is still very relevant!!

  38. rightymouse says:

    My mood today. 🙄

  39. rightymouse says:

    I suspect the building will be a disastrous mess within a year if not sooner.

  40. rightymouse says:


  41. rightymouse says:

  42. rightymouse says:

    Mental illness on display. 🙄

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