Herr Charles, Pferdeschwanz des Staunens

Condemning fascism while advocating for its implementation is the mark of the historically illiterate. Care to comment, Chuck?

Charles, you’re a mess.

115 Comments on “Herr Charles, Pferdeschwanz des Staunens”

  1. Octopus says:

    Is it Putsch-ki Day again, already? 🤔

  2. rightymouse says:

  3. rightymouse says:

    My cat used to put dead rodents and baby bunnies in my tennis shoes or under the bed covers.

  4. rightymouse says:


  5. rightymouse says:

    Loved this! 😍

  6. rightymouse says:

  7. rightymouse says:

  8. rightymouse says:

    Mental illness on display.

  9. rightymouse says:


    • rightymouse says:

  10. rightymouse says:

    • Octopus says:


    • rightymouse says:

  11. rightymouse says:

    I can only hope this is true! 😐

  12. rightymouse says:

  13. rightymouse says:

    • Bunk Strutts says:

      Guess who’s kids went to school there. This nutbag was not in charge back then.
      “UPDATE: The principal Mary Flock deleted her X account. There’s also now a petition to remove her from her position as principal.” https://www.change.org/p/remove-mary-flock-as-principal-of-saint-bonaventure-catholic-school

      • poteen2 says:

        Sister Ignatia at St. Patrick’s taught me (1960), my Mother(1940) and her older brother(1923) in the 1st grade. She was 4’9″ tall, 68 years old, and an intimidating figure with a yardstick. No student, teacher or administrator would try anything that foolish in her school. Taught well into her 80s.
        The old days were better.

        • Bunk Strutts says:

          The missus spoke with some friends who are still involved with the school, and all say that this “principal” was bad news from the start.

          Not only was the kid punished with humiliation, when the father voiced his objections to the bitch she called the police on him. HBPD showed up, listened to the story, then told the boy it was a nice speech and left.

          Bitch wanted the guy arrested in front of his son and the other attendees.

  14. rightymouse says:

  15. rightymouse says:

    Scary. Looks like I need to stock up on ammo?

    • rightymouse says:

      Crap. I forgot that X doesn’t work here yet.

    • rightymouse says:

  16. rightymouse says:

    John Kerry makes me sick. 🤮

  17. rightymouse says:

    Comey is such an a-hole. 🙄🤨

    • rightymouse says:

  18. rightymouse says:

    Need to get more ammo.

  19. Octopus says:

    A Mom visits her son for dinner who lives with a guy roommate.
    During the course of the meal, his mother couldn’t help but notice how fine and good looking his roommate was. She had long been suspicious of a relationship between the two, and this had only made her more curious….

    Over the course of the evening, while watching the two interact, she started to wonder if there was more between him and
    his roommate than met the eye. Reading his mom’s thoughts, her son volunteered, “I know what you must be thinking, but I assure you,we are just roommates.”

    About a week later, his roommate came to him saying,
    “Baby ever since your mother came to dinner, I’ve been unable to find the silver plate my mom gave us for Christmas with our names on it. You don’t suppose she took it, do you?”

    He said, “Well, I doubt it, but I’ll text her, just
    to be sure.” He sat down and texted :

    Dear Mom:
    I’m not saying that you ‘did’ take the silver plate from my house, I’m not saying that you ‘did not’ take the silver plate But the fact
    remains that it has been missing ever since you were here for dinner.

    your son.

    Several days later, he received an text from
    his Mother which read:

    Dear Son:
    I’m not saying that you ‘do’ sleep with your roommate, and
    I’m not saying that you ‘do not’ sleep with him.
    But the fact remains that if he was sleeping in his OWN bed, he
    would have found the silver plate by now, under his pillow…


  20. rightymouse says:

    I watched Trump’s rally yesterday on Newsmax. It was fabulous!!

  21. rightymouse says:

    Ugh. 😡😡

  22. rightymouse says:

    Mary Flock got flocked. 😂😁

  23. rightymouse says:

    Fatso’s GoFundMe has cobwebs on it again. He started it in 2015!
    $16,738 raised of $20,000 goal
    Last 2 donations:
    Kathryn Roberts
    2 mos

    Raymond Summerlin
    2 mos

  24. rightymouse says:

    FJB! 😡😱

  25. rightymouse says:

    Jack Smith is an a-hole.🤨

  26. rightymouse says:


  27. rightymouse says:

    Hubby and I are going to go see his Mom (age 92) today and have dinner. Usually, when we visit, we go to Bonefish Grill. Today, we’re going to Hyde Park Steakhouse. Yesterday, we babysat a grandson. Didn’t get home until close to midnight. Am shot. 😑

  28. Bunk Strutts says:

    • rightymouse says:

      Aw, c’mon. Gomer Pyle was a very nice guy. Michael Cohen is an a-hole.

  29. rightymouse says:

  30. rightymouse says:

    • rightymouse says:

      It’s going to rain today, so instead of grilling, we’re just going to demolish our leftovers of rib-eye steak, linguini with clams, salad and garlic bread for dinner.

  31. rightymouse says:

  32. rightymouse says:

    Media spouting the same talking points.

  33. rightymouse says:

  34. rightymouse says:

    Gag order denied. Good! 🙂https://twitter.com/julie_kelly2/status/1795475409112272989/history

  35. rightymouse says:

    Libertarians are bonkers.

  36. ISTE says:

    For some reason this ad on X is giving me nightmares.


  37. rightymouse says:

    Fanone was standing behind DeNiro while he was blathering his BS. I recognized Fanone and my brain yelled WTF???

  38. rightymouse says:

  39. Bunk Strutts says:

    Wood mouse is looking at the camera.

  40. rightymouse says:

    I just donated to Trump at: DonaldJTrump.com.

    • rightymouse says:

      I watched his speech today on Newsmax. He’s not giving up to the corrupt Democrats who want to destroy him.

  41. rightymouse says:

  42. rightymouse says:

    I can’t wait for Biden to meet Karma.🙄

  43. rightymouse says:

  44. rightymouse says:

  45. rightymouse says:

    We need to do the same thing here.

    • rightymouse says:

      • Bunk Strutts says:

        There’s a story behind that one. Before the raccoon became a dancing meme, it was a picture of a raccoon standing in the road, taken by a photographer named Corey Arnold. In 2007 I needed a banner for my b.s. site and nabbed the ‘coon pic from a now defunct website.

        Arnold got all pissy about it, so I screencapped some *ahem* embarrassing photos from his website. He shut up.

  46. rightymouse says:

  47. rightymouse says:

  48. rightymouse says:

  49. rightymouse says:
