@Lizardoid Banning on Twitter (Again) #FreeXCitizen10 #FreeChrisLoesch

Discredited pundit (*tsk*snicker), failed musician, and hysteria blogger Charles Johnson has done it again. What did he do again, you might ask? Well, he stepped on his pecker again on Twitter. The small, but powerful XCitizen10 proved a little too much for Johnson’s temper last night, reporting to the world that Johnson personally orchestrates twitter banning through the use of false spam reporting.

This caught the internet like wildfire since the #Twittergulag story was catching some momentum and sprung @Xctizen10 up from minor annoyance to @Lizardoid to full on kick in the crotch.

The mighty lizard spun as hard as he could, even going so far as to lie to a yahoo news reporter about his slimy internet tactics of banning people. Ultimately the Salamander had to “pony” up to using not just “block” to silence critics, but “block” and “report as spam” to trigger Twitter’s bots to attack the account.

Underhanded to say the least, but to see the internet (including breitbart.com) adorned with his sllimeball behavior was well worth it for the DoD and the boiler room crew. The small but mighty XCitizen10 reached a zenith, causing such tremendous butthurt to the Grand Lizard that he had to silence his critic.

He had him blocked and reported (again) today as spam, proving even further that it’s him behind it (the distinction being that normal people only block, @Lizardoid and others falsely report you as spam). Curious thing though, Xcitizen10 has a little more street cred than his follower count gives away, and a certain somebody who has just a tad more followers than the now thoroughly beclowned Lizard.

With a little tugging behind the scenes with REAL people investigating the problem Twitter now has added #FreeXCitizen10’s ticket to a slightly larger #FreeChrisLoesch ticket. Much to the old gas bag’s dismay, pesky old XCitizen10 was freed by the afternoon and is back to thoroughly exposing and beclowning the dishonest hysteria merchant.

Since none of the sychophants (like slimy and weasel-y @CuriousLurker-who is blatantly caught spamming) read here  (I mean, there’s so much interesting shit to read at Johnson’s crappy blog-so much content and aggregation) I’ll tell you all a little secret. Take a little peek who’s following @Xcitizen10 (you too, sychophants) and you’ll notice what’s running under @Xcitizen10’s hood.

Yup, that’s right. The King of the clowns can’t even measure up to some of the heavy hitters in that list and @XCitizen10 is not a little guy anymore. So, as Johnson exposes himself to a wider and larger audience for treating Twitter like his backyard, trust that it gets bigger and goes to more people.

This may be the result that he wants but I can assure you that this end result will not be the thing that he thinks it is. With each time he let’s his short temper and intolerance get to him, we get stronger, reach more people and beclown him in the process. Yesterday’s posting at a real news site should’ve taught the senile lizard his lesson. Nope. He doubled down on the stupid and went for another round.

@Lizardoid we now own you and your descent into irrelevancy is being fully monitored. What credible news agency could even think to link to your crappy blog after all of the things we’ve exposed you for, and yesterday marked a decisive blow to his noggin’ (plus many LULz-some not so subtle).

In essence let’s keep it up, as you can tell, Johnson looks under his bed at night now for XCitizen10’s tweetdeck, and we don’t even need to work at it. I’d let @Lizardoid know which way he will be tarred, discredited and beclowned next, but we here at the BRC like to keep him close to Twitter.

Thank you all who contributed to the #FreeXcitizen10 movement and don’t hesitate to drop the Lizard a line and ask him if he wants to retract this statement (it’s pretty a beclowining of his relevance to get something done at Twitter, in and of itself). Ask him if he knew anything about it. Just for me. 🙂Image

Good times! What a monumental dipshit.

Update: Apparently, from my chatter with other @DLoesch peeps, there are MANY conservative Twitter warriors that fell victim to dipshits like Charles that simply block first. Join my list and start following some of them. They’ll follow back and this is something we should really help Dana out exposing. Comrade bloggers like counteringsocialismarmy from Michael Ernette are also documenting the abuse of Twitter’s features to ban free speech during an election year. THIS HAS TO STOP!! I encourage everyone here to get on Twitter, start following, and get TweetCreeps like @Lizardoid exposed for banning. It was LULZ to me before to expose Johnson for banning Xcitizen10, but he’s just the shark and exposed a greater problem that he should lose his account for contributing to. Let’s marry the DoD to the #FreeChrisLoesch and #FreeXCitizen10 movement and get these internet creeps banned for good! DEMAND FREE SPEECH on TWITTER!!

107 Comments on “@Lizardoid Banning on Twitter (Again) #FreeXCitizen10 #FreeChrisLoesch”

  1. Pakimon says:


    Keep up the excellent work!

    The Husky Tweeter is going to have to go back to being The Husky Blogger before this is done.

    His Twitter credibility is shot and anyone “following” him now might as well tattoo “I’m a brain-dead moron” on their foreheads.

    The best part is that Chunky is such an idiot, he’s going to keep “doubling down on stupid” until he totally screws himself.

  2. dwells38 says:

    Keep up the good work guys. In my experience with Charles he’s not a nice person nor a fair person. He’s a judgemental prick with an added mean streak. His betrayal of good people on the right makes him even more deserving for mockery on Twitter. There must be thousands upon thousands on Twitter who now have looked up what all the stink is about and there’s no way it makes Charles look good. Most intelligent people have to know that there’s no good explanation Charles can produce for having hosted a mostly right-wing, anti-jihad, anti-LEFT-idiotarian blog and army of commenters for the better part of a decade, then kicked out all his best posters and pretends now, somehow, that he didn’t understand then, that they were all bigots. It’s truly one of the dumbest things I’ve seen anywhere on the internet and no one buys it. To top it off, I can’t imagine most Twitter users appreciate his bringing the resultant internet war to their new social media tool. Some folks do use it for work and really can’t be bothered with either finding out or caring who started it and who’s most right. All they know is they want nothing to do with the content poor LGF, it’s founder and his/her detractors. Maybe it’s scorched earth but let’s face it, his betrayal of his friends and entire rejection of all former positions is just that. He reaps what he’s sown.

  3. How would Charles know this if he wasn’t coordinating and monitoring the silencing of his critics?


    Hey Charles – You could delete that tweet. But as you learned on your Ann Romney Fatwa, the Twitter memory hole you thought you could use doesn’t work too well when the tweets go into a database, does it?

  4. Juan Epstein says:

    “What can you even say about this kind of deranged propaganda? I wonder if The Jewish Daily Forward is aware that their name is a radical commie Marxist slogan?”

    -regarding the “Forward” slogan.

    How can Lawhawk let this stand??

    It is well known that in fact The Foward was a far left anti-zionism socialist publication, and they chose “Forward” as it’s name for just that reason.

    The first issue of Forverts, appeared on April 22, 1897 in New York City.[1] The paper was founded by a group of about 50 Yiddish-speaking socialists who organized themselves approximately three months earlier as the Forward Publishing Association.[1] The paper’s name, as well as its political orientation, was borrowed from the German Social Democratic Party and its organ Vorwärts.
    Forverts was a successor to New York’s first Yiddish-language socialist newspaper, Di Arbeter Tsaytung (The Workman’s Paper), a weekly established in 1890 by the fledgling Jewish trade union movement centered in the United Hebrew Trades as a vehicle for bringing socialist and trade unionist ideas to non-English speaking immigrants.[2][3] This paper had been merged into a new Yiddish daily called Dos Abend Blatt (The Evening Paper) as its weekend supplement when that publication was launched in 1894 under the auspices of the Socialist Labor Party (SLP).[2] As this publication established itself, it came under increased political pressure from the de facto head of the SLP, Daniel DeLeon, who attempted to maintain a rigid ideological line with respect to its content.[4] It was this centralizing political pressure which had been the motivating factor for a new publication.

    Newsboys for the Forward wait for their copies in the early morning hours during March 1913
    Chief among the dissident socialists of the Forward Publishing Association were Louis Miller and Abraham Cahan. These two founding fathers of The Forward were quick to enlist in the ranks of a new rival socialist political party founded in 1897, the Social Democratic Party of America, founded by the nationally famous leader of the 1894 American Railroad Union strike, Eugene V. Debs, and Victor L. Berger, a German-speaking teacher and newspaper publisher from Milwaukee. Both joined the SDP in July 1897.[5]


  5. doppelganger laughs at Chucky says:

    charles puts the twit in twitter

  6. doppelganger laughs at Chucky says:

    Queeg is going down with the ship!

  7. doppelganger laughs at Chucky says:

    @loserdoid !

  8. Hunan Johnson says:

  9. haysoos says:

    I hope DoD has a plan beyond twitter

  10. dwells38 says:

    Oh for chrissakes, 5 minutes on Twitter and I’m fricking addicted. Am I pathetic or what? Yeah I know, the former.

    • Arachne says:

      I know just how you feel. Whatever you do, don’t get the app for your iPhone. Then it’s really bad. Like in missing your BART train cause you were readinjg them bad.

  11. Emperor says:

    Charles Johnson whines that Dana Loesch is being mean to him even though she blocked him!


    Says the person who blocks everyone who says so much as a negative word against him then obsessively reads those individual’s posts and asks people to assist him in getting them banned!

    • Ban Stink-ki Moobs says:

      Dude. Don’t talk about Dana and ‘harass’ in the same sentence.

    • I’m wondering how CJ noticed that she was talking about him with no @mentions.

      could we say….


    • Arachne says:

      That’s odd. I follow Dana – all she’s done that I can see is ask people to find evidence of abuse of block and report. She hasn’t asked anyone to harass that stupid shit.

      • Ban Stink-ki Moobs says:

        I keep saying – he’s wandering off into Reggie land. He’s really seriously losing it over this twitter thing.

  12. dwells38 says:

    I’m announcing my break with the blog world…..

    Just kidding. However I’m changing my opinion of Twitter. I’ve spent 10 minutes there and find it convenient already. I can see why it’s fast and fun. And I enjoy the space limit. It’s creativity enhancing, as you try and state your thought concisely while remaining within the space confines. KEWL! Come on you other old guys. Jump in! The waters fine!.

  13. Arachne says:

    Short night for me tonight gang – as I said, I totally missed my BART train this p,m. sitting in the station on Twitter. My son is finding all this hysterically funny (you had to be there when I made fun of Twitter a couple months ago).

    Carry on your adventures. And don’t let the bastard get away with anything.

    • Mark says:

      It’s hysterical to read tweets from Johnson’s followers complaining about being banned by @DLoesch.

  14. doppelganger loves @XCitixen10 says:

    I’m going on twitter

    I’m already following xcitizen10 and dana loesch. who else should I follow.?

    • OLT's plug says:

      @OldLineTexan, of course.

    • Dwells38 was easy to find. Doppelganger is a bit problematic.

      Care to give us a hint on your Twit name?

    • dwells38 says:

      I would suggest The Blogmocracy, Weazil Zippers, Political Fireball, benshapiro (Breitbart guy). Once you start seeing their traffic you just click the links to see things you like and can then folllow other like minds.

      BTW – I made a CJ bashing comment to D. Loesch and she posted a semi-warning about tiresome trolls soon after. Don’t know if it was directed at me, could’ve been coincidence. But I let her know I wouldn’t be bothering her with more of the same. I would like to be allowed to comment on her excellent posts here and there and not be blocked solely because of the now boring blog war. Now that I think about it it probably had nothing to do with me bcause she was the one bashing CJ to start with 🙂

      • dwells38 says:

        Also not to slight those here I’m following ChenZhen, m, Boiler Room Worker, TreBob, [deleted] and Bagua.

        In addition bra snap victims, Mandy Nagy and Meredith Dake. And Patterico, Robert Stacy McCain (don’t always agree but he writes well), and Mary Katherene Ham and Dana Perino from Fox News.

      • You need to follow Gus_807 and Gus_812.

    • Hey follow me! I’m like 2 shy of 100 right now. And I lose a few when the suspensions happen LOL

      • Why don’t you get in on the #FreeChrisLoesch threads? People are following each other left and right. (Apparently the banning technique is widespread).

    • Engineer #5 says:

      @RocIngersoll has been stuck at 17 followers for as long as I can remember… like a week or something.

    • Kirls says:

      I’m Kirlz on twitter. 🙂

    • Bunk X says:

      Everyone named Gus.

  15. doppelganger loves @XCitixen10 says:

    follow me @loserdroid

  16. garycooper says:

    Four Tops, my favorite male Motown act. These songs destroyed me as a kid who knew nothing about music, and now, they still stand alone in some respects. H-D-H Forever!

  17. kos laughs from his new tablet says:

    So fatso hangs w/ Bradblog who hangs with the Speedway Bomber? Nice guilt by assoc there


  18. doppelganger loves @XCitixen10 says:

    I have sent my first tweet.

    we’ll see if I go for two

  19. garycooper says:

    As a person with OCD tendencies, I see twitter as a time-suck of frightening proportions. I know it’s fun, and I know I would enjoy trading brief snippets of great import with mesmerizing characters, but I will abstain for now. I avoid heroin, too. 😉

    • Abu bin Squid says:

      What he said.

    • dwells38 says:

      LOL! Yep. Just got in my first slap fight too. Some broad makes some comment to me about ‘English a great language should try it’. Her name’s polish with, you know like one of those with 3 consonents in a row, even she can’t pronounce it I bet. And she’s yet to discover commas but eager to lecture me. Hah!

    • dwells38 says:

      I’m so dumb. That was no slap fight. That was merely an excuse to do this left-wing, shenanigan reporting crap. She insults and when I made that joke about her unpronounceable Polish name she implied she would report me as RACIST!!!! I’ll probably be suspended LOL! Like I give a carp. These losers think they live in the USSR or something. They can play games all they want, we know who and what they are. We still have a Constitution and it ain’t going away anytime soon, regardless of the …sssshhhhh…Comunist in the Whitehouse….don’t tell anyone.

  20. Mark says:

    One of Johnson’s buddies:

    Sharon Daniels ‏ @shooshan17

    @TheBradBlog @pudcast245 @EricBoehlert @Lizardoid @DLoesch none but the porno girls fishing for #gop check and report Dana
    from Halton, Ontario


  21. doppelganger @loserdroid says:


  22. Can one of the mods please hot link our friend’s link in the update? It just wouldn’t work for me for some reason.

  23. Abu bin Squid says:

    I fear this blog will morph into a Twitter watchdog site only to find Chunky Cheetos abandons/is deleted from Twitter. Then what? I guess butthurt for Chubby Foster Johnson is welcome in all forms. Heh.

    • Then we make our own community of politics, humor, music, etc. Like LGF without the fat ass pissy pants.

      • Abu bin Squid says:

        I’ll be there. Thanks for the supportive words. I felt my LGF mockery fading away.

    • doppelganger @loserdroid says:

      no need to morph

      this is a fuckface johnson watchdog. always has been always will be until he hangs it up

      then we retire

    • dwells38 says:

      Oh no Abu. This is still home base. That place is crazy.

  24. Abu bin Squid says:

    I #really don’t @understand what all @the words mean #anylonger #fail #turning fifty@gray&ghay. (not really ghay, just not hip)

    • # is a hashtag. It’s like Twitter’s subject filing method. @ is a mention. It sends your tweet to the person directly. Tweeps are your followers.

      @Lizardoid is a giant internet douchebag filed under #LizardoidbansonTwitter 🙂

    • df's puddy tat says:

      Yep, that’s the spirit Abu.

      You got our twit going on.

    • dwells38 says:


  25. Daedalus says:

    panoftheforest :

    Then we make our own community of politics, humor, music, etc. Like LGF without the fat ass pissy pants.

    We have Blogmocracy for that.

    Also, check your mail!

  26. Seeing our brave twitter warriors and new tweep hatchlings grab their weapons of lulz and march off to battle brings a tear to my eye.

    All I can say is…

    …its about damn time!

  27. icesleazle says:

    The misogynist Charles Johnson should know better than to stalk and harass women. Jimmah and I already iced his blog. Now we want his twitter account.

    • Engineer #5 says:

      I’m a bit confused looking at @SMjaniczek ‘s timeline. She seems to be aware that XCitizen10 is a good guys, but has Gus_807 pegged as a troll. Hmmmm.

      And since begging seems to be the only thing that works…Follow @RocIngersoll, pretty please. You won’t be sorry. You might be sorry. But probably not.

  28. dwells38 says:

    Sent this to Twitter support: dwells38‏@dwells38

    @Support Hi Rcvd unsolctd insult from this acc. @SMjaniczek. Seemed fishy, when i made defnsve joke she vowed to report me. Seemed trumped.

    Crazy thing is, when I click her link, she’s like D. Loesch’s best friend evidently. She seems to have mistook what I’m about and just knee-jerk slammed me as a left-wing loon maybe and I assumed the same of her when she threatenened me. Twitter is truly crazy.

    • dwells38 says:

      Posted this upthread too:

      Actually I think the sad conclusion is she’s a confused person on the political right. A little inflated due to her friendship with D. Loesch and a sizeable following as a result, she herself is suffering from CJ syndrom and prejudges and punishes before she knows who she’s dealing with. Wish I cared. LOL!

  29. ISTE says:

    The statistics at Little Green Footballs seem to have been misplaced again. Nothing sneaky or anything like that on Charles Johnson’s part, he probably forgot he accidentally disabled or hid them.

    However, because we care about Charles and because we like to know how successful his wonderful blog is….

    The total comment count for yesterday, May 1st when the great masses of unwashed hippies and anarchists tried to bring The United States of America to her knees, while the President was on a mini vacation to Afghanistan, and let us not forget it was a memorable day on Twitter where Xcitizen10 got suspended, tried, found guilty, strapped into Old Sparky and moments before 11,000 volts was sent hurtling through his online persona and obliterating him forever Dana Loesch clad in only purple pantyhose and a bright green cape saved him from the jaws of death.

    It should have been a high comment day at Little Green Footballs, but alas, the day’s total was a meager…


    P.S. sorry for all that long winded literary bullshit but I was bored waiting for the 00:00 mark and had to pas the time somehow.

    • trebob says:

      His comment count numbers have grown everyday since the stats panel went into the shop. I predict larger comment count numbers in the future.

      He won’t get ,more comments, but the stats number will rise.

  30. ThreeHundred says:

    Interesting, this ‘twit’ thing…Started an account to follow some of you, then noticed that Twitter suggests people you should follow, and second on the list is Pamela Gellar!!!

    • Bunk X says:

      It took a while for me to figure out who to follow. Some tweeters are good, yet too prolific. A tweet every 15 seconds gets old fast no matter how big their tits are.

  31. trebob says:

    Apparently @SMjaniczek has been the recipient of a CJ sponsored trip to the twittergulag.. Might see if we can mend that bridge.

  32. doppelganger @lozerdroid says:

    change to my twitter account. now @lozerdroid

    follow me peeps!

  33. snowcrash says:

    Dwells38, @jtLOL is Jim Treacher and David Burge@Iowahawk are both pretty funny. But if I could recommend only one it would have to be @Louis_Tomlinson. Don’t worry, your younger teen ‘s will know all about him. Lol

  34. floydmerit says:

    has anyone thought to revisit the “digg wars” of yore in relation to this current thing with twitter?


    They did something, yes — after ignoring at least 3 emails from me.

    I’m almost certain, by the way, that they have tweaked their system to stop blogs like LGF from getting to the front page, no matter how many diggs they get. I’ve seen it over and over; an LGF post gets a lot of diggs, shows up in the ‘upcoming’ list, then abruptly disappears. LGF posts have had hundreds of diggs in a very short time, and still don’t make it to the front page. There’s something rotten going on there.