A Big Fat Bunch

119 Comments on “A Big Fat Bunch”

  1. rightymouse says:

    Oh, NO! Fatso is FAT!

  2. rightymouse says:

    Not sure where everyone has been. Very quiet in this joint. 🤥

    • rightymouse says:

      Posters are fast asleep at the mother ship too and it’s 11:32 am!

      • poteen2 says:

        We need to serve booze and open a taco stand.

        • rightymouse says:

          Agreed! 😁

          • Octopus says:

            Personally, we’re still struggling with trying to get my daughter’s health back. We had to take her back to the hospital on Monday, and she was admitted, so they can try to get her digestive system working again, and control her pain and cramping. Her pancreas suffered damage from the gallbladder thing, and will take some time to recover. We’re hoping she can come home in the next couple of days.

          • poteen2 says:

            Stay with her and best wishes.
            The Chunkmockery will still be here when you get back.

          • rightymouse says:

            Very scary 😳! Praying for her!

    • Bunk X says:

      Been busy with frustrating worky stuff. I’d quit and retire, but I need to talk to our financial guru first. Then I’ll work on stuff I want to do instead of putting up with stupids.

      • rightymouse says:

        Hubby is still working. I’m on SS but he won’t take it until he’s in his 70’s. He wants the max. I’d love for him to slow down a bit. We’re both 68.

        • Octopus says:

          There’s a good argument for retiring in your 60’s and collecting SS longer, at the slightly-discounted rate. Some advisors are very firmly on this side, some not.

      • poteen2 says:

        Petulant clients or overly confident young engineers? Or both.

        • Bunk X says:

          Amateurs and micromanagers in the office I’m doing consulting work for.

          • Bunk X says:

            Some of it is caused by a bureaucratic client / corporation out of Charlotte that demands unreasonable deadlines, and the owners of the firm I work for are too scared to say no. Dangerous move.

    • windbag says:

      Work. Life. I am not on-line as much as I used to be. Well, I still am, since everything seems to be on-line these days, but not for surfing for interesting and fun stuff. I go days without checking sites that I normally check multiple times a day. Case in point, I just noticed this thread that already has 69 comments.

  3. rightymouse says:

  4. rightymouse says:


  5. rightymouse says:

    Heads need to roll! 😡

  6. rightymouse says:

    Mental illness on display. Sad. 😦

  7. rightymouse says:


    • Octopus says:


      • rightymouse says:

        Trucker son is home for the weekend. He laughed 😆 his butt off when he saw this.😆 🤣

      • rightymouse says:

        How is daughter?

        • Octopus says:

          She’s actually having a decent day. They found something out that is actually a blessing in disguise, after we thought it was a new disaster. I’ll fill you in later, after my nap.

          • rightymouse says:

            Glad to hear she is ok! 👌

          • Octopus says:

            Well, she’s still in the hospital, but now the wife and I are banned from visiting her, as she has picked up a “hospital bug” that tends to afflict people who have been on antibiotics for a long time, which is three weeks plus for her now. This bug affects digestion, too, and might be the cause of her severe cramping and digestive issues, which were being blamed on a damaged pancreas. The bug is very contagious, so caution is the best path. The bug is responsive to treatment, and they’ll know by tomorrow or Monday if it is the complicating factor.

          • Bunk X says:

            Prayers. Lot of those resistant bugs floating around hospitals and group homes.

          • rightymouse says:

            Am praying for her!!! 😦

          • Octopus says:

            Here’s the fecking varmint:


            Second day of targeting this unwelcome invader. Should be handled by tomorrow. Probable release date is now Tuesday.

          • rightymouse says:

            OMG! Octo! 😯
            I pray for her recovery!

          • Octopus says:

            The prayers and good vibes are greatly appreciated! ❤️

            We just went to see her, and had to gown-up, glove-up and act responsibly. The doc came in while we were there, and went over some things – they seem to have the treatment dialed in now. She looks and feels much better, and has cut back on the pain meds, which were definitely needed previously. Her doc told us to bring her fat-free food, as their cafeteria can’t be trusted on the fat-free score. Still looking at a Tuesday release, hopefully for good this time.

          • rightymouse says:

            Good to hear, Octo! Sounds like a veggie & fruit diet for a while? I’d have to look, but is seafood considered fat free?? Take care. We’re headed out!

  8. rightymouse says:


  9. rightymouse says:

    We’re headed to see friends this afternoon. Am taking curried shrimp as an appetizer for everyone. 😋

    • rightymouse says:

      Son’s godparents are hosting this afternoon. Godfather is a Vietnam War vet. They are both solid conservatives. 🙂

  10. rightymouse says:

  11. rightymouse says:

    Hubby & I knew this from the beginning of the Covid insanity.

    • windbag says:

      When Covid first hit The New England Journal of Medicine posted a study pointing out that masks did nothing except give the wearer a some comfort that they were doing something. (They have since “clarified” their position and claim that they really were supporting mask usage.) I sent that to countless people who were freaking out and complying with every government edict. Didn’t change anyone’s mind.

      • rightymouse says:

        Masks didn’t work. Had zero effect on curbing transmission. But liberal states like CA, NY, NJ, kept doubling down on the stupid.

        • Octopus says:

          Even worse, prolonged mask-usage caused/aggravated a bunch of other health issues. But I know several people personally who are still wearing one, whenever they’re outside their home. Madness.

          • rightymouse says:

            There were a few older people at the grocery store today that wore masks. I rolled my eyes. 😷

  12. rightymouse says:

    Pathetic. I had hoped for McCarthy to be stronger.

  13. rightymouse says:

    No words! 😯

  14. rightymouse says:

  15. rightymouse says:

    😆 😆

  16. rightymouse says:


  17. Octopus says:

    The Girl has been released from the hospital, after a total stay of 22 days. She’s going to stay with us for a week or two, while recovering. What an ordeal, but feeling blessed that it wasn’t something worse, even more life-threatening.

  18. rightymouse says:

    The ChickfilA has gone woke Ugh. 😦 🙄😣😥😥

    • Octopus says:

      They blame Comrade Jack for Twitter’s demise as the virtual Libturd Kingdom? Love to see the “logic” that brings them shrieking to this insane conclusion. 😂

  19. rightymouse says:

    Bet there are zero consequences..👀

  20. rightymouse says:

    Oy! 😡🤡

  21. rightymouse says:

    Internet has been wonky all day & I had to go get the oil changed in my car. Was way overdue.🙄 Hubby is in Tennessee.

  22. rightymouse says:

    Biden fell, again. 😯

  23. Octopus says:

    Oh, Meathead. Yer such a card.

  24. rightymouse says:

    Our Gummint…

  25. rightymouse says:

    Why am I not surprised? 🙄

  26. rightymouse says:

    I ain’t holding my breath.

  27. rightymouse says:

    Don’t try this at home. Or the gym. Or anywhere.👀🤣🥵

  28. rightymouse says:

    This is outrageous!!! 👀🤔😲🥵

  29. rightymouse says:

    For Bunk…

  30. rightymouse says:

    This is going to piss off Fatso.😅😆

  31. rightymouse says:

    It’s just me here. Again.☹😣😡

  32. rightymouse says:

  33. rightymouse says:

    This is an effing invasion!! 😡

  34. poteen2 says:

    Charles Johnson @Green_Footballs

    I’m just going to block anyone trying to gaslight me about RFK Jr. I despise anti-vaxxers but people who enable and make excuses for them may be even worse.

    Lie, whine, block. Lie , bitch, block.
    General relief check comes,,, go to Starbucks,,,get donut and small coffee.
    Lie, whine block. Lie, bitch, block.
    What a life.