Pro Life Liberal shows his racism

Racism rears its ugly head at LGF. Jihadi supporter Pro Life Liberal insinuates Herman Cain is a self hating African American. He question whether he attended a Black Church. Typical of Islamic supremacists, Pro Life Liberal looks down on Blacks. He views Cain as uppity and is angry he has left the reservation. Well it turns out Herman Cain is a minister at a Black congregation.

Pro Life views Blacks as subservient. The fact that Herman Cain doesn’t buy into the Progressive victim-hood/Black Nationalist ideology, makes him out of line in Pro Life’s views. This is not the first time he has shown a disdain for blacks. He justified the killing of Black by Libyan Jihadists.

Charles before you accuse others of allowing racism at the blogs, check out your own blog. Pro Life Liberal is a black hating racist.

Update II: Here’s another example of bigotry and hate.

Charles, I thought you deleted hateful comments?

Charles Johnson… a flip-flopping lying opportunist.

In the recent DoD thread “What’s this conclusion of this post,” Daedalus wrote “So Charles was a phony the whole time! He used people on the Right to build up his blog. Then when the political winds shifted, he threw his readers under the bus. Chuck has no principle.”

No wonder. Charles Johnson has been a anything goes opportunist for over ten years now. It’s hard to run a blog when Charles changes his ideology every time he changes his underwear (or Wieners underwear). You’re bound to eventually contradict yourself, many times over. And when you attempt to back-pedal and cover your lies, it even gets messier. All this in an effort to cash in on the internet blogging phenomena, his personal morals and scruples be damned, if he ever had any.

But thanks to the Diary of Daedalus and the Boiler Room Crew, Johnson can try to run away from his past, but he can’t hide from it. Reams and reams of legacy blog material, comments, deleted entries and ghosts from the memory hole constantly catch up with Johnson and his lies.

For instance, Charles has always made believe that he holds no respect for people suggesting that our country is headed for rioting in the street and civil unrest.

07794212 34907 48 Charles Wed, Oct 14, 2009 11:47:01am
Today I see that Hot Air commenter’s are going through LGF looking for posts where I defended LGF against cherry picking of our comments — they’re going on a hypocrisy hunt. What they don’t realize is that comments advocating civil war or assassination, or calling people “child molesters,” were NEVER tolerated at LGF. And now that I have vastly improved tools for monitoring comments, many of the offensive comments that didn’t rise to that level are also now gone.

Oh come on Charles, you let comments like that be posted all of the time… example… one of your favorite lapdogs…

06369291 32167 377 Walter L. Newton Sat, Dec 13, 2008 11:24:50am

re: #351 BigMoo
I’m starting to believe you’re right-And it starts and could be stopped right in Washington DC. These people have created perks and perpetual prosperity for themselves that would cause a Politburo Leader to blush.

My problem is I don’t believe it can be stopped in DC. No one makes it to DC unless they are going to be of some use to the plutocracy. It doesn’t matter who we vote in, they are going to be part of the problem or else they won’t make it one term in DC. I’ve said this numerous times here… There will be a civil war in the United States with in 20 years. Much of what has been happening in DC over the last 6 months is a prime example of the control the plutocracy has over this country. Just get out a calculator, do the math, look at your finances, who is the final winner? Not you.

Newton only got away with what he posted because he was Charles’ favorite atheist, always a comment away from his knowledge of Christian theology and dogma, always willing to be hateful and slap down a Christian or two for his Lizard King Charles. But like so many “friends” of Charles, Newton was sneezed out and brushed aside as soon as two-faced Charles was finished using him up.

And recently there has been a growing number on the left suggesting that the public is going to take to the streets. Anyone noticed all the current LGF threads dealing with this inflammatory rhetoric coming from Charles’ socialist buddies… no… of course not.

Did you see the LGF thread about Bloomberg’s challenge?

Bloomberg: Jobs crisis could spark riots here
“You have a lot of kids graduating college, [who] can’t find jobs,” said Bloomberg, during his weekly radio show on Friday. “That’s what happened in Cairo. That’s what happened in Madrid. You don’t want those kinds of riots here.”

Of course not. And Michael Moore has been throwing up his special brand of vile hate. Did LGF cover this?

Michael Moore Threatens The Rich
“The smart rich know they can only build the gate so high. And, and, sooner or later history proves that people when they’ve had enough aren’t going to take it anymore. And much better to deal with it nonviolently now, through the political system, than what could possibly happen in the future, which nobody wants to see,” Michael Moore said on Current TV’s “Countdown” program.
Moore was alluding to riots, which he was discussing with “Countdown” host Keith Olbermann prior to his comment to deal with things nonviolently now.

Or this little get together of union members…

Longshoremen storm Wash. state port, damage RR
LONGVIEW, Wash. (AP) — Hundreds of Longshoremen stormed the Port of Longview early Thursday, overpowered and held security guards, damaged railroad cars, and dumped grain that is the center of a labor dispute, said Longview Police Chief Jim Duscha.

You’ll never see Charles decrying this sort of activity… because it’s being promoted by the left… his current hang-his-hat-on source of blog material and “revenue”. It’s hard work being a flip-flopping lying opportunist.

What’s this conclusion of this post?

Charles Johnson has been publishing pages written by his posters. Today he promotes one by Larry Herzberg. This is the weirdest post I ever saw. He engages in pseudo science about how Republicans take positions. I read it and was left scratching my head. What is the point of this post?

Can someone explain to me what’s the point of this post? I have read it several times and still don’t get what the conclusion is.

Update: The Sage of Culver City chimes in with his wisdom!

Charles really thinks he’s some great analysts. Has it ever occurred to him, people on the Right have come up with their conclusion because of their own analysis. Chuck is no expert on why people have their views, he’s just a Jazz guitarist.

Update II: The author of this odd post claims he goes way back with Charles. Avram claims that Chuck was never a Conservative!

So Charles was a phony the whole time! He used people on the Right to build up his blog. Then when the political winds shifted, he threw his readers under the bus. Chuck has no principle.